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11 votes
1 answer

Opencv calcHist and calcBackProject in plain english

i've started experimenting with c++ and opencv because of i want to learn image processing. Now, my first exercise is to create a skin detector with calcHist and calcBackProject. But i don't ...
nkint's user avatar
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2 answers

What's the Underlying Algorithm for Detail Preserving Upsampling in Photoshop CC?

The detail-preserving upsampling algorithm in Photoshop CC is truly amazing. It can upscale any image while preserving details in almost real-time. And I truly wonder how it is implemented. I've ...
Void Main's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Counting vechicles in an image

I have been trying to implement an algorithm for successfully counting cars in an image. I have tried implementing A Method for Vehicle Count in the Presence of Multiple-Vehicle Occlusions in Traffic ...
krammer's user avatar
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1 answer

How Can I Use MATLAB to Solve a Total Variation Denoising / Deblurring Problem?

The Total Variation Denoising Problem is given by: $$ \arg \min_{x} \frac{1}{2} {\left\| A x - y \right\|}_{2}^{2} + \lambda \operatorname{TV} \left( x \right) $$ Where $ \operatorname{TV} \left( \...
user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Apply a Gabor filter to an input image

I tried to apply a Gabor filter with a specific scale (according to my values of lambda and sigma, so it is (7x7) and for 4 orientations (0, $\frac{\pi}{4}$, $\frac{\pi}{2}$ and $\frac{3\pi}{4}$) to a ...
Liszt's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Recover curves from noisy collection of points

Background: I'm trying to make a system that tracks a number of bubbles in a video I'm implementing the bubble detection in the single image case using the Circular Hough Transform. Due to occlusion, ...
Alex's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Auto Detection of Rotation Angle on Arbitrary Image with Orthogonal Features

I have a task at hand where I need to detect angle of an image like the following sample (part of microchip photograph). The image does contain orthogonal features, but they could have different size, ...
BarsMonster's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Why normalize the data set before applying Direct Linear Transform

Direct Linear Transform (DLT for short) is a method of homography estimation, it solves the overdetermined linear system via SVD $$Ah=b$$to find a solution $h$ under constraint $\|h\|=1$. Actually it ...
avocado's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Understanding SURF Features Calculation Process

So, I was reading the paper on SURF (Bay, Ess, Tuytelaars, Van Gool: Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF)) and I can not comprehend this paragraph below: Due to the use of box filters and integral ...
motiur's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Understanding the Gabor filter function

I need to implement a script for generating features from an input image by using the Gabor filter. I have no past experience of wavelets and I'm just learning Fourier analysis (I understand the basic ...
jjepsuomi's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Meaning of the Transpose of Convolution

I have an $n \times n$ asymmetric convolution kernel, $k(t_1,t_2)$. $k$ is zero everywhere except for in small regions near the corners. I also have an $n \times n$ image, $f$. Let $*$ denote ...
dranxo's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Why Is Bi Quadratic Interpolation for Image Resampling / Interpolation Rarely Done?

Related question: What are the practically relevant differences between various image resampling methods? Bilinear and bicubic interpolation for image resampling seem to be fairly common, but ...
Sami Liedes's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Phase Correlation - Poor Performance on Noisy/Blurred Images?

I have successfully tested 1D phase correlation algorithm to determine vertical shift between two synthetic images. When I moved to real images, however, it is not able to detect translation at all (...
Libor's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Isolate the non blurred part of foucsed image

I have an image taken by a mobile phone camera with focus on a part of it let say a face or whatever. I want to know -approximately- where is the focused area. For example, a bounding box around the ...
Humam Helfawi's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Filtering kinda "half-toned" image for OCR processing

I have a scanned PDF material to which I want to add hidden text layer, so I could index the document. I used ghostscript black and white tiff output device (tiffg4) to extract pages as tiff images, ...
zetah's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Why does the separable filter reduce the cost of computing the operator?

A separable filter in image processing can be written as product of two more simple filters. Typically a 2-dimensional convolution operation is separated into 2 onedimensional filters. This reduces ...
Iter Ator's user avatar
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1 answer

decision rule for image segmentation

Let $Y$ be a measured (noisy) image $Y= X+ noise$, where $X$ is an image contains $0$(Background) and $200$(object). I need to create a decision rule that determines whether the true pixel value was $...
HforHesham's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Phase shift and phase spectrum terms in multidimensional signal

I know about phase of a 1D signal. But when I go into higher dimensions like 2D,3D etc, it becomes headache to grasp the concept. What are the terms phase shift and phase spectrum mean in case of ...
devraj's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the Compression Algorithm used by Facebook?

I would like to know what is the Compression Algorithm used by Facebook for compressing the images? I uploaded a image of size 242 Kb and I downloaded the same image from my Facebook album. The size ...
Premnath D's user avatar
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1 answer

How to remove stains from images?

I have this extremely distorted and stained image Is it possible to remove this stain ? Could image inpainting help ? Please help EDIT : Another image After applying anisotropic diffusion and ...
vini's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the antialiasing algorithm employed by video cards?

What is the algorithm employed by video cards when one talks about for example 8xAA? I thought the algorithm was about looking at neighboring pixels for correction. ...
m33lky's user avatar
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4 answers

Noise removal in medical segmented image

Can anyone suggest methods for removing the noise (indicated inside the red square) from every where in the following image, while keeping the white lines?
crack_addict's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Algorithms for detection of fingertips or nails

Can you give me some advices on what could be the best algorithm(s) to use for detection of fingertips/nails in image. First thing that crossed my mind was Viola - Jones. After rethinking I concluded ...
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3 answers

Denoising by DCT and hard thresholding

If I have an image and I find the DCT and then apply hard thresholding on the coefficients and then IDCT then I have attenuated the noise. Can someone please explain in detail or point me to the ...
Dino's user avatar
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1 answer

Advise on detecting anatomical landmarks in a CT reconstructed volume

I'm trying to automatically detect some medical defined anatomical landmarks in a CT reconstructed volume. Medical doctors use these landmarks to measure some patient specific parameters. I have ...
Federico's user avatar
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2 answers

Examples of linear/logistic regression applications

I was wondering about super simple applications of linear or logistic regression to signal processing (image processing specifically)? I'm a math guy that's been asked to explain some mathematical ...
The Beruriah Incident's user avatar
10 votes
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What is the link between the homography computed over 2 images and the homography computed over the same images upside down?

With OpenCV, I compute the homography between, say, these two images: and Don't worry about the strange white form on the right side, it is due to the smartphone holder I use. The homography, given ...
Stéphane Péchard's user avatar
10 votes
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Could you describe the effects for varying different parameters of a canny edge detector?

Last couple of questions touched upon Canny edge detector What are the limitations of a Canny edge detector? and Best way of segmenting veins in leaves? The basic outline of the algorithm is as ...
Dipan Mehta's user avatar
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2 answers

How to estimate octave and size for visual features positioned at Harris corners

I am currently working with and comparing the performance of several feature detectors provided by OpenCV as basis for visual feature matching. I am using SIFT descriptors. I have accomplished ...
penelope's user avatar
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2 answers

How to implement a gradient based Hough transform

I am trying to use the Hough transform for edge detection, and would like to use gradient images as the basis. What I have done so far, given the image I of size <...
Jonas Due Vesterheden's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Chroma-Subsampling: How to properly calculate the data-rate

I am having a hard time understanding how to calculate the data rate when leveraging chroma-subsampling in e.g. a Y'UV image: I have the following examples for a calculation: Image resolution: <...
jottr's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Phase correlation vs. normalized cross-correlation

I asked this over at Mathematics Stack Exchange, but since this sort of lies on the border of the questions normally asked over there and the questions you see over here I'll ask it here as well. (As ...
Eric's user avatar
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1 answer

How does auto focus in cameras work?

I am just wondering how does camera auto focus work. What kind of processing does it do on images in order to adjust the focus? Is there freely available code that detects the focus level of an image ...
Cory's user avatar
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2 answers

Log-Polar DFT Based Scale-Invariant Image Registration

I'm trying to do image registration using phase correlation as described in the Reddy Chatterji paper. In my case, the images may be scaled and translated relative to each other. The algorithm for ...
Drew Cummins's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Image Processing - Counting nuclei

I am trying to create a program that can count the number of nuclei in such an image: What I've already done is the following, step by step: Apply an Alternating Sequential Filter (closing and ...
Thiago's user avatar
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3 answers

Detecting a filled glass object

I've been sent here from this question in stackoverflow, please excuse me if the question comes too specific and it's not in the manners in here:) The task is to find a glass with specific liquid in ...
user1916182's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Deconvolution Question on Article "Deriving Intrinsic Images from Image Sequences" by Yair Weiss

there are n derivative filters: $f_i$, and denote $f_i^r$ as $f_i$'s reverse filter such that $$f_i(x,y)=f_i^r(-x, -y)$$ $r_i, f_i$ given, to find $r$ from the equations: $$f_i * r = r_i, (1 \leq i \...
Jiapei Huang's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

What interpolation methods can I use to get the tightest fit for these curves?

I am working with MRI images of the brain that have certain areas marked by hand like and . I am trying to come up with an interpolating function that will let me describe such curves so that I can ...
rdasxy's user avatar
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1 answer

Data decomposition method invariant to small shift and scale?

Is there a data decomposition method similar to eigenvalue that estimates projection matrix to reduce dimensionality but does not project similar vectors too far away in euclidian distance terms from ...
Chesnokov Yuriy's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Detecting tennis courts in aerial images? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to find tennis courts in aerial imagery I am trying to detect tennis courts that are present in aerial images .. I have the following image: I tried color image ...
vini's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

DSP programming in C/C++

I have exposure to MATLAB and have some basic exposure to signal processing and plotting in MATLAB... but I am more comfortable with C/C++ than MATLAB because I have been working in Image processing ...
9 votes
1 answer

3D Position estimation using 2D camera

I have a camera (iPhone), I have a 3D control object in the image that I know its properties very well. (My control object). There is also a secondary object in motion. The ultimate goal is to ...
Ktuncer's user avatar
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2 answers

kernels to compute second order derivative of digital image

For an image $I$, its first order derivatives can be computed using several oprators, such as $$K_{sobel} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} -1 &0 &1 \\ -2 &0 &2 \\ -1 &0 &1 \end{...
avocado's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Why images need to be padded before filtering in frequency domain

In image processing books , we are told that Images need to be padded while doing filtering in the frequency domain. Why we need that zero padding ?
Prashant Singh's user avatar
9 votes
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How to expand on and deepen a basic skill set for image/video processing?

I didn't take any class on image processing but I studied the subject based on lecture notes and important books for last three months. So at this point, I would like to sharp my image processing ...
Tae-Sung Shin's user avatar
9 votes
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FFT of image data: "mirroring" to avoid boundary effects

I load and display an image of some rice in Matlab: g = imread('rice.png'); imshow(g); I take the FFT of this image and shift it: ...
Andy's user avatar
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4 answers

How to do De-Houghing of a Hough transform'ed Image?

I'm working with code found at Rosetta Code for creating a Hough transform. I now want to find all the lines in an image. To do so I need the ρ and θ values of each of the peaks in the Hough space. A ...
waspinator's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Surface detection

How would one segment large area's of gray (ranging from white to black) from an image ? (If you know this in opencv, you may answer by saying what you would do in opencv). For example given this ...
Olivier_s_j's user avatar
9 votes
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FFT for line detection

I am trying use the FFT in a different way then most people ask about. I want to be able to take a picture of a graph with regular repeating vertical lines, and to process the image to determine how ...
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9 votes
2 answers

Finding radius r of the overlappable sphere(s) in 3D image

My current problem: I have an input 3D binary image (a 3D matrix that has only 0 and 1) that consists of random numbers of sphere with radius r. We do not know how many spheres are there in the ...
Karl's user avatar
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