I am trying to use the Hough transform for edge detection, and would like to use gradient images as the basis.
What I have done so far, given the image I
of size [M,N]
and its partial derivatives gx
, gy
, is to calculate the gradient angle in each pixel as thetas = atan(gy(x,y) ./ gx
. Similarly I calculate the gradient magnitude as magnitudes = sqrt(gx.^2+gy.^2)
To build the Hough transform, I use the following MATLAB code:
max_rho = ceil(sqrt(M^2 + N^2));
hough = zeros(2*max_rho, 101);
for x=1:M
for y=1:N
theta = thetas(x,y);
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta);
rho_idx = round(rho)+max_rho;
theta_idx = floor((theta + pi/2) / pi * 100) + 1;
hough(rho_idx, theta_idx) = hough(rho_idx, theta_idx) + magnitudes(x,y);
The resulting Hough transform looks plausible (see https://i.sstatic.net/hC9mP.png), but when I try to use its maxima as edge parameters in the original image, the results look more or less random. Did I do something wrong in constructing the Hough transform?
UPDATE: I had a stupid mistake in my code: rho
was calculated as x*cos(theta)+y*cos(theta)
instead of x*cos(theta)+y*sin(theta)
. That is, I was using two cosines instead of a cosine and a sine. I have edited the code above and the new resulting image is below. This did not give much better edges though.
@endolith: To plot an edge, given a maximal value in the hough
-matrix at rho_idx, theta_idx
, I translate the indices to rho,theta
theta = (theta_idx -1) / 100 * pi - pi / 2;
rho = rho_idx - max_rho;
Finally I plot the edge as y= (rho - x*cos(theta)) / sin(theta)