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Questions tagged [correlation]

Correlation or Cross-Correlation is a measure of similarity of two waveforms as a function of a time-lag applied to one of them.

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Remove sample from audio with different amplitudes

I have a piece of audio with a sample occurring within it multiple times. I wish to remove these occurances. However, the sample has slightly different amplitudes each time. Some of the samples occur ...
Baz's user avatar
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Relation and differences between correlation sequence and correlation matrix

Suddenly I am stuck at a question while studying Statistical signal processing: What are the differences between correlation sequence and matrix (can be auto/cross), and how are the two related? When ...
Wave_Rider03's user avatar
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Time domain expression of a stationary continous broadband signal and its autocorrelation

I want to find the auto-correlation of a stationary continous broadband signal. The auto-correaltion is $$f\star f=\int_{-\infty}^\infty f^*(t)f(t+\tau)\ \mathrm{d}t.\tag{*}\label{*}$$ The power ...
user74037's user avatar
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Adaptive Correlation Threshold for QPSK

A single-carrier QPSK signal passed through a fading channel is correlated in the receiver using standard complex-conj correlation with a known sequence. The received signal's amplitude fluctuates ...
Clayton Loecher's user avatar
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How to sync two similar lists/waveforms with differently populated data in python?

I have two lists of sizes L1 - 22400(865*26) and L2 - 79000 with measurements of some environmental data. Data of both the lists are measured simultaneously. The L2 is a continuous measurement for ...
Some Random Name's user avatar
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Wrong matched filter sidelobe level for linear chirp despite (invalid ?) energy normalization

I'm trying to reproduce the -13.2 dB sidelobe level typically observed for a linear chirp pulse (cf. for instance this MATLAB documentation page: ...
Blupon's user avatar
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How can I calculate the probability of detection and false alarm rate of a correlation result assuming a given SNR threshold in AWGN?

I am transmitting an LFM chirp with fixed bandwidth $B$ and sample rate $f_{s}$, containing $N$ samples. The chirp is windowed with a Kaiser window, which generally has constant $\beta$ but can vary. ...
AlexJCole's user avatar
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Cross Correlation Peak Value of Wideband signals - The Phase and Sample Offset are related but how

Two CDMA Codes or Gold Codes or PRN Sequencies, i.e. a pattern in time, are cross correlated in the time domain. However one of them is delayed compared to the other. How is the phase argument of the ...
njk7's user avatar
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Cross-correlation of two processes generated from the same signal through different LTI systems

A problem in Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing (problem 10.15) presents two WSS signals both generated from zero-mean white Gaussian noise with $\sigma_w = 1$. They are described by $v_1(n) = ...
Matthew Faigan's user avatar
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second order cross correlation

I have two signal sequences $u$ and $y$, where the former is the input to a system and the latter is the output of the same system. I would like to find second-order correlation between the two ...
Neuling's user avatar
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Can white noise be correlated to a random signal

For an random signal $X$ (does not matter if it is correlated or uncorrelated), given lag $τ$. If white noise is added to this signal, then can the summation of them be a correlated signal? Also, even ...
Panos's user avatar
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Cross-quantilogram method

What is this method in general? What is the main difference between the quantile cross-spectrum (QS) approach developed by Baruník and Kley (2019) and the cross-correlation function (QS) developed by ...
gurbuz's user avatar
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Proving that the autocorrelation of a signal is the convolution with its time-reversed complex conjugate

I need to prove the property $$f(x)⊕f(x)=f(x)⊗f^*(-x)$$ That is the autocorrelation of a function is the convolution with its time-reversed complex conjugate. I have constructed most of the proof but ...
requiemman's user avatar
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How would the correlation coefficient between 2 images change if we rotated 1 image?

Suppose we have a image which is represented by a matrix $ \begin{bmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & i \\ \end{bmatrix} $ and we want to find its correlation with ...
Cerise's user avatar
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Correlation gives contradictory results

I am trying to find the correlation between the signals $u(t)$ and $\sin(t)[u(t)-u(t-2)]$ The correlation function $C(t) = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} u(\tau+t)\sin(t)(u(t)-u(t-2))d\tau$ This is my ...
Cerise's user avatar
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Average time-domain signal power from correlated Fourier transforms

Suppose I have real-valued continuous-time sequences $x_1(t), x_2(t), x_3(t)$ with Fourier transforms $X_1(\omega), X_2(\omega), X_3(\omega)$. I know that $X_3(\omega)=H(\omega)( aX_1(\omega)+bX_2(\...
Halleff's user avatar
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Template Matching non-rectangular template in non-linear order

Question Is there an existing algorithm that does cross correlation with two images, including a weight image? In template matching, when should I prefer the sum of absolute errors vs cross ...
Jinyoung Choi's user avatar
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Correlating signals in real-time when the time-delay is larger than frame-time

What are some possible approaches to address the challenge of correlating two signals when the time delay ($T_d$) from the source to the microphone is greater than the microphone's frame time ($T_f$)? ...
Viraj Gajjar's user avatar
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Model validation- comparing signals

Let's say I am trying to validate a model. I have a signal from measurement and a signal from the simulation of the model. Simulation was done with the same initial and boundary conditions as ...
Vergilius's user avatar
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Could the conjugate derivatives of two independent random signals be uncorrelated?

Suppose there are two independent signals, $s(t-\tau)$ and $n(t)$, and they are doubtly uncorrelated so that $\mathbb{E}${$s(t-\tau)\times n(t)$}=0. I wonder if the equation $\mathbb{E}${$\frac{\...
Loco Citato's user avatar
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Calculating transform for maximum decorrelation?

Suppose you have a set of $n$ sensors with overlapping sensitivities--like the cone cells of an animal retina, which is in fact the sort of system I am trying to model. Given the frequency-response ...
Logan R. Kearsley's user avatar
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Ambiguity function volume

I find myself confused how two properties of the ambiguity function relate to one another. The properties in question are (presented here from wikipedia, but similar formulas can be found in books by ...
Narrava's user avatar
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Emergence - what constitutes a minimally coherent source that "just begins" to produce stationary interference patterns?

A superposition of two signals with different frequencies will never produce visible (i.e. stationary) interference patterns. Such waveforms will produce spatiotemporal beat patterns, but they rapidly ...
srhslvmn's user avatar
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What does the covariance of a power spectral density between frequency points mean [duplicate]

I am struggling to understand the meaning of the covariance of PSD (Power Spectral Density) between two frequency points ($f_1$ and $f_2$). The covariance of a function $s(t)$ in time domain $t$ is a ...
CfourPiO's user avatar
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Calculating delay b/w signals using correlation

I am generating two signals of same frequency, i introduce a fixed delay in one of the signal and then try to find out the simulated delay using MATLAB 'gccphat' and 'finddelay' functions, but not ...
naumankalia's user avatar
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How can I check similarity of two different sinusoidal waveform model?

I am trying to establish a similarity index for two different signals. These signals are quite different in amplitude and signal length. Their waveform is sinusoidal, and frequencies are at a close ...
LunaLOVEGOOD's user avatar
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Finding correlation coefficient of two dependent random variables

I know when there are two independent random variables X and Y, the correlation coefficient is But what if the two random variables are dependent, for example, Y-X and X+Y, how can I represent them ...
wannastudycommunication's user avatar
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Why we need convolution in image processing?

To my understanding, there are two methods to do linear filtering. One is cross-correlation, and another is convolution. Convolution requires 'flipping' the kernel when you do the calculation. I think ...
sss's user avatar
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What exactly happens in correlation?

I have understood convolution and it seems almost same as correlation mathematical expression wise. But in terms of signal processing,both are different operations. The difference between convolution ...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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The difference between convolution and cross-correlation from image processing point of view

The difference between convolution and cross-correlation from a signal-analysis point of view The above question gives very good information from signal processing point of view. But what about images?...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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Extract a signal from noise, so I can view noise spectrum only?

I have a perfect modulated signal. I have the same signal but with noise, this noise is from non linear amplification. Is it possible, to extract the clean signal so it's just leaving the noise? The ...
njk7's user avatar
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Autocorrelation & Cross-Correlation -> Main uses in DSP??

Please help understanding the DSP usage of Autocorrelation & Cross-correlation It seems this is strongly linked to calculating phase offsets, frequency offset for carrier recovery, symbol timing ...
Villere_DSP's user avatar
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Power spectral density and auto correlation function: Frequency vs time representation

I have a time correlated periodic signal $a(t)$ with $t=0,1,...,T$ and $a(t+T) = a(t)$ that has been sampled at rate $\Delta t$ and I analyse the signal using the PSD via FFT and the ACF. As far as I ...
Lew Dawidowitsch's user avatar
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Cross-correlation maximum in frequency domain

I need to compute the complex cross-correlation between two signals a and b and the take only the maximum value of the cross-correlation, regardless of the lag time where this occurs. I can do it ...
Albert's user avatar
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if I have 2 signals that are similar how will their cross correlation will look like?

I need to compare between 2 signals that both of them are different notes of the same musical instrument, so I thought maybe I can do it by Cross-Correlation but I dont really understand how to do it ...
AnonimousSignal's user avatar
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Generalized correlation coefficients

Assume there are given two Gaussian random vectors $\boldsymbol{x}$ and $\boldsymbol{y}$ of equal length $N$ with corresponding means $\boldsymbol{\mu}_x$, $\boldsymbol{\mu}_y$ and covariance matrices ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Plotting the real or absolute of correlation?

I had two vectors of data and I computed their correlation using corr(f,g) = ifft( fft(f) .* conj(fft(g)) ) / cov(f,g). I cannot figure out whether to use the real ...
newToDSP's user avatar
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Y axis Component of Rxy in MATLAB

I calculated the $R_{xy}$ by cross-correlating $x(n)$ and $y(n)$. Now, in the MATLAB command window, I wish to construct the Y-axis component of $R_{xy}(n)$. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it. Is ...
bighero666's user avatar
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How can I generate X Axis componant in R_xy in MATLAB?

Let's say I have cross-correlated $x(n)$ and $y(n)$ and got the $R_{xy}(n)$. Now if I want to generate the x-axis component of $R_{xy}(n)$ in the command window of MATLAB. How can I do that? is there ...
bighero666's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a genetic algorithm for finding the correlation among time series

I am working on an optimized method for measuring the similarity between 2 signals, Is it possible to use a genetic algorithm for finding the correlation among time series?
Blobmou's user avatar
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How to interpret values of the autocorrelation sequence?

I know that (auto)correlation indicates the "degree of predictability" of a variable with respect of another. However, this is a vague notion. I know that a blank process should have an ...
MPA95's user avatar
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How to find segment with specific speed on the signal in comparison with reference signal?

How do I find a segment on the signal where the signal speed is 2 times the speed of the same segment on a reference signal? Which features describe this? On attached image can see "change of ...
drVrh's user avatar
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Difference between reference and measurement signal?

Which differences can we find on various signals? We assume that we have a reference signal (determined theoretically) and measured signal. Which methods exist for determining the similarities ...
drVrh's user avatar
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Auto/cross correlation for data set with multiple realizations

Context For an assignment, I need to find the correlation matrix of a dataset with 100 random variables and 1000 realizations for each. (It's a stock market example). Problem I don't understand how ...
Wirral's user avatar
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MATLAB: How to compute the similarity of two signals and get the correct consistency or coherence metric

I was wondering about the consistency metric. Generally, it allows us to deduce the parity or similarity between two signals, right? If so, if the probability is higher (from 0.5 to 1), does it means ...
Vincent Kounkou's user avatar
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Estimating Correlation Matrices

I am trying to obtain the correlation matrices of two random signals. Both of them, $ X $ and $ Y $, are white Gaussian Noise, with unitary variance. However, they are correlated, with correlation ...
JohnMarvin's user avatar
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Correlation and the Fourier transform

In the book Fundamentals of Music Processing: Audio, Analysis, Algorithms, Applications by Meinard Müller, the coefficients $d_\omega$ and $\phi_\omega$ are defined as where $\cos_{\omega,\phi}(t) = \...
S.H.W's user avatar
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Estimate the time delay of two signals

I am having 2 sets of data data1 and data2 .I wanted to find the delay between the two datasets. Assume data1=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] and data2=[0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6].From the data I know that, data2 is ...
Aami's user avatar
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Identify which of the three signals is closest to a sinusoidal curve

I have some acceleration values from a sensor. These values are reported as x, y and z components of the acceleration. As can be seen in the attached figure, it is clear that the z signal has a clear ...
ashorj's user avatar
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Correlation: A Magnitude or Power quantity?

I am confused about the units we would refer to with a correlation result in that if it would be a magnitude or power quantity (and therefore specifically when using ratios in dB would we use 10Log or ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
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