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Questions tagged [laplace-transform]

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How is causality in Laplace transform related to Fourier transform?

Taking the Laplace transform of a system given by a differential equation yields its transfer function $H(s)$. The region of convergence of the causal impulse response of the system lies right of the ...
user2276094's user avatar
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Relation between the damping ratio and the phase margin in 2nd order systems

I can't remember how to derive the relation between the damping ratio $\zeta$ and the phase margin. I cant remember where to start from to end up with a numerical relationship between them for a ...
phionez's user avatar
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Partial derivative of transfer function in Laplace domain

For some LTI transfer function $g(t,\rho)$ with a constant parameter $\rho$, with the transformed equivalent: $$\begin{align} g(t,\rho)&\leftrightarrows G(s,\rho)\\ \end{align}$$ Is it equivalent ...
Martin CR's user avatar
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Don't we need both negative and positive discrete complex exponentials to make a real discrete time signal?

For a continuous time periodic signal , the Fourier spectrum has both negative and positive complex exponentials in equal numbers ,but I have seen for some discrete time periodic signals it is not the ...
DSPnoobmaster's user avatar
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why we don't get equal number of negative and positive complex exponentials for the DTFS of a discrete time periodic signal?

When we compute the Discrete time Fourier series of a discrete time periodic signal , why don't we get the same number of negative complex exponentials and positive complex exponentials ? Even though ...
DSPnoobmaster's user avatar
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$y(0)$ terms in the Laplace transform

When taking the Laplace transform (in my case, for building a transfer function) of a signal $y(n)$ the substitution below is often made directly: $$\mathscr{L} \big\{ y^{(n)}(t) \big\} = s^n \mathscr{...
Joseph's user avatar
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Two meanings for "innovation" in Wiener filter are the same?

This is related question to A question about Wiener filter based on Linear Estimation by Kailath, based on the textbook Linear Estimation by Kailath. In that link I talk about how I first learned what ...
monad's user avatar
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A question about Wiener filter based on Linear Estimation by Kailath

In my linear estimation class based on the textbook Linear Estimation by Kailath, we went through the process of finding LLSE of $\hat{x}(t+\lambda)$ for fixed $\lambda$ given $\{y(\tau)|-\infty<\...
monad's user avatar
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Impulse response of a causal LTI system without using Laplace transform

I have this differential equation that models a causal LTI system: $$ \ddot{v}(t) - \dot{v}(t) - 2v(t) = \ddot{u}(t) + 2\dot{u}(t) + u(t) $$ I was asked to find the impulse response both by using ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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How to compute the 2D coordinate in the s-domain?

I am not sure if my question is a right question to ask or not since I am still learning about Laplace Transform and S-Domain. If we have 2D coordinates (x,y) in the spatial domain (i.e., Euclidean ...
S.EB's user avatar
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Laplace Transform and Inverse laplace Transform for 2D images python code available?

I am wondering if there is any implementation of Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transform available for 2D data (i.e., images). For example, a batch of N ...
S.EB's user avatar
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Are complex exponentials real thing?

Is there any physical significance of complex exponentials. I mean can we produce them like how we can produce sinusoidal signals using a signal generator? OR are they just pure mathematical ...
amoghfyi's user avatar
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Why do singularities on the imaginary axis affect the Fourier transform differently than the Laplace transform?

(Please note that I'm aware there are already several questions asking about the difference between the two transforms. However, none of them that I could find touch on this specific issue of the ...
Mikayla Eckel Cifrese's user avatar
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Laplace transform of this simple parallel RLC circuit? (For audio speaker simulation ...)

SPEAKER AS RLC CIRCUIT I read this article here which demonstrates a simulation of a speaker as a simple RLC circuit where the RLC components are in parallel: MY GOAL I am interested in creating a ...
mike's user avatar
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Bode plot phase shift equation when poles and zeros are not at the origin

Let $$H(s)=\frac{s^{n}}{s^{m}}$$ For $n \ne m$ the phase shift between output and input will be $\frac{\pi}{2}(n-m)$. For situations where the poles and zeros are not at the origin, I could find the ...
Cerise's user avatar
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Mixer and control systems

A mixer in the time domain usually multiplies 2 signals of the time domain , however what does it do in the Laplace domain?Is there a equivalent block diagram of a mixer in the Laplace domain?The ...
Cerise's user avatar
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Simulate Op-Amp low-pass transfer function in Python

I am struggling to simulate the frequency response of a simple op-amp low-pass transfer function in Python. The results I get are not accurate. The transfer function is $H(s)=\frac{1}{1 + s\tau}$, ...
MisterFilter's user avatar
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I have a transfer function in s domain convert to time domain

I have a transfer function of $\frac{1}{s^2}$ in $s$ domain that represents a $\frac{\text{output}(s)}{\text{input}(s)}$. Say I put a constant DC input as input (s) or just input in time domain that ...
user43423432432's user avatar
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Equipment to test my theory on time varying systems

How can I make a linearly time varying system to test my theory? Can I ask for a PID microcontroller available from my university such that $K$ is gradually increased from 0 to $c$
Volpina's user avatar
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Correlation gives contradictory results

I am trying to find the correlation between the signals $u(t)$ and $\sin(t)[u(t)-u(t-2)]$ The correlation function $C(t) = \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} u(\tau+t)\sin(t)(u(t)-u(t-2))d\tau$ This is my ...
Cerise's user avatar
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Derivation of 9 point Laplacian filter

I'm reading a paper on how construct isotropic laplacian filter, and perhaps because it's an old paper, the notation in it really bothers me a lot. So can someone please explain it to me? For example, ...
Ili a's user avatar
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Is there a Fourier Transform generalization that lets you analyze arbitrary complex frequencies?

Suppose you have a function that can be described as $$f(s) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n e^{f_n s}$$ where each $f_n$ is a complex number. I am looking for a transform $T$ to act on $f$ which produces a ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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How to separate Transient and Steady-State Expression from Periodic Summation Response?

Background My question comes from here, it's a response of 1st order LPF RC circuit from an arbitrary periodic input. How to determine the transient response of a circuit to causal periodic inputs? ...
Unknown123's user avatar
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Laplace domain transfer function from system sampled at discrete times

I'm trying to understand an analysis of a sampled continuous time system in the Laplace domain. The source analysis is here (PDF page 6, slide marked 11); I'll explain further below. Suppose I have a ...
Halleff's user avatar
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Finding the region of stability of a system

Suppose we have a closed loop system controlled by some microcontroller $K$ First we take the open loop gain which is $\frac{K}{s(s+6)}$.It has 1 pole at the origin and at $s=6$ and 0 zeros. So we ...
Volpina's user avatar
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Calculating transfer function of a linear time varying system?

If we excite a LTI system with the Dirac delta $\delta(t)$, the system outputs the impulse response $h(t)$. For a LTI system, it doesn't matter when we excite the system with the Dirac delta, we will ...
Volpina's user avatar
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Max input of a system given it's transfer function and an assumed step change (beginner)

I have an exercise that gives me the following transfer function $$ \frac{0.5}{s+0.5} $$ and an assumed step change in the target of 20 I am asked to calculate the maximum input for the assumed step ...
Tom Callan's user avatar
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LLTV Systems breakdown(2)

In this question I proved that for a linear linearly time varying system $S$ such that if $t_{2} = t_{1}+t_{0}$ then $h(t,t_{2}) = h(t,t_{1})+h(t,t_{0})\rightarrow$ $h(t,t_{0}) = g(t_{0})h(t) $ where $...
Volpina's user avatar
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What exactly are the assumptions behind Tustin's formula? Application on state space models

I was parsing the forum when I saw this post surging out of the depths of this forum like an old Kraken. The problem is quite simple. You have a continuous time state space model : $$ \begin{split} \...
NokiYola's user avatar
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Linear linearly time varying systems Laplace transform

Suppose that for a system $S$ if we have $t_{2} = t_{1}+t_{0}\rightarrow h(t,t_{2}) =h(t,t_{1})+h(t,t_{0}) $ .Then if we take the double Laplace transform to$t,t_{2}$ we will get: $$L_{t_{2}}(L_{t}(h(...
Volpina's user avatar
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Transfer function $h(t)$ of a positive feedback system

I want to find the transfer function h(t) of the below positive feedback system. I came out till this. How can i get the inverse laplace of this function? say β = 1 and γ = 1
O-Negative's user avatar
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Inverting transformation $\displaystyle m(t)=\sum_{i=1}^d x(i)^t$

Suppose there's a vector of $d$ of positive numbers $x(1),\ldots,x(d)$ which I need to obtain from a vector of $d$ derived quantities $m(t_1),\ldots,m(t_d)$ where $\{t_i\}$ is some conveniently chosen ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Discrete version of this transform?

I have the following transform for $t>0, a_i>0$ $$f(t)=\sum_{i=0}^d a_i \exp(-t a_i)$$ And I need to invert it for a set of target values $b$: Find $(t_0,t_1,\ldots,t_d)$ such that $f(t_0),f(t_1)...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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How we determine type of filter with pole(s), zero(s)? [duplicate]

Let's say we have this Laplace transform: $$H_{1}(s)=\frac{1}{(s+1)(s+3)}\;, \; \Re{e} (s)>-1 $$ So, we know that there is a poles at $s=-1$ and $s=-3$. With these informations, we found that to be ...
emrexx's user avatar
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Transfer function of LTI causal system

I have $$y(n)-3y(n-1)+2y(n-2)=4x(n)-2x(n-1)$$ that is the equation for a causal, discrete time LTI system. Using the Laplace Transform I rewrote it as: $$Y(s)-3e^{-s}Y(s)+2e^{-2s}Y(s)=4X(s)-2e^{-s}X(s)...
Anna Smith's user avatar
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Finding transfer functions from a system of multiple inputs

If I have a system: $$sX(s) = AX(s)+BY(s)+CZ(s)$$ How would I find the transfer functions $\frac{X(s)}{Y(s)}$ and $\frac{X(s)}{Z(s)}$? Do I simply disregard one of the inputs? I am quite confused and ...
user66077's user avatar
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How does the state estimate selection work?

I have been solving following problem. I have two open loop state estimators used for estimation of the unmeasurable states of a given linear dynamic system. The first estimator provides estimate $\...
Steve's user avatar
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First Order State Space Question

I am trying to understand the state space equation for a simple first-order LTI system. Suppose I have a system with impulse response $$h(t) = \frac{1}{\tau}e^{\frac{-t}{\tau}} \ \theta(t)$$ In this ...
solo's user avatar
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Does the definition of stable system contradict itself?

A system is said to be stable when any of its poles are <0. However I don't get why that is the case. Negative poles mean negative angular frequency, and negative angular frequency is equal to ...
Miss Mulan's user avatar
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What is the intuitive interpretation of the transfer function of this system?

If I have the system that could be observed in the next Image: I want to know the transfer function, where the external force $f$ is the entry and $x_1$ is the output. The direction and positive ...
Santiago Mercante's user avatar
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Transfer function and Laplace domain

If we give a input $x(t)=u(t)$ to a system $\mathcal{S}$ we get an output $y(t) = e^{-t} u(t)$. After we Laplace-transform both the input and the output we get the transfer function $$H(s) = 1-\frac{1}...
Miss Mulan's user avatar
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Name of property of Laplace transform

\begin{align} L[e^{-at}u(t)] &= \frac{1}{s+a}\\ L[\cos(\omega_{o}t)u(t)] &= \frac{s}{s^{2}+\omega^{2}_{o}}\\ L[e^{-at}\cos(\omega_{o}t)u(t)] &= \frac{s+a}{(s+a)^{2}+\omega_{o}^2} \end{...
Miss Mulan's user avatar
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Amplitude ratio is larger than 0.5 on a RC-filter if RC = 1.7684e-03

I have two signals ...
euraad's user avatar
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Sampling with impulse train

There are many times when the textbooks used by all university students like me make an introduction to the notion of sampling of a continuous-time signal with an impulse train as shown below. Why do ...
Anastassis Kapetanakis's user avatar
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Prove that the filter is stable, causal and minimum phase

I have a system which has the following transfer function $$H(s)=\frac{\beta + s}{s^{2} + 2\alpha s + \beta^{2}}$$ where $\beta = \sqrt{\omega^{2} + \alpha^{2}}$ and $\alpha>0$. This system, as ...
Mark's user avatar
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Study the stability of $H(s)=\frac{\beta + s}{s^{2} + 2\alpha s + \beta^{2}}$

I have a system which has the following transfer function $$H(s)=\frac{\beta + s}{s^{2} + 2\alpha s + \beta^{2}}$$ where $\beta = \sqrt{\omega^{2} + \alpha^{2}}$ and $\alpha>0$. The degree of ...
Mark's user avatar
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What is the Laplace Transform of the output power spectrum if the input signal is a white noise?

Let us consider a random wide-sense stationary process $n(t)$, which passes through a filter $h(t, \tau)$. Its autocorrelation function is $$R_{n^\prime}(t)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \int_{-\infty}^{\...
Mark's user avatar
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Reference for Wiener-Kolmogorov whitening procedure

In an old paper, accessible only for a fee, I found: (where the LHS of Eq (5) lack the symbol of derivative). What is the Wiener-Kolmogorov whitening procedure? I would like to study this procedure, ...
Mark's user avatar
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How does the phase/gain margin method work?

We have the closed loop transfer function: $$T(s)=\frac{L(s)}{1+L(s)}$$ So as far as I understand we check along the $j\omega$-axis on the Bode plot whether $L(s)=-1$, cause that's when $T(s)$ has ...
Kakukk777's user avatar
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Time invariance in transfer functions

I read this in a book: here ${\cal L}[x(t-a)u(t-a)]$ is the laplace transform of a time shifted function $x(t)$ shifted by $a$ seconds and we know that transfer functions have the formula $H(s)=Y(s)/...
Sam1470's user avatar

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