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Questions tagged [voice]

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Recovering audio contained repeated data

I have some audio files affected by an issue during recording, apparently chunks of data were duplicated, like this. Doing a search I realised that I already asked about this, but I have got a very ...
Bob's user avatar
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How to detect known audio samples within a stream of audio

If I've got a bunch of short .wav files, 16 bit linear pcm, and an incoming stream of audio that's been run through a voice codec (g.722, g.711, or others) and then converted back to pcm, what's the ...
Matt DiMeo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Anonymize / Obfuscate speech when doing audio classification

Let me preface that I am new to audio processing and audio analysis ;) (I asked the same question on reddit, I wanted to increase it's reach)) I am trying to classify specific events (like a gong or ...
Hurricane's user avatar
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How to generate human voice fft?

I want to generate human voice using fft. For this, I analyzed a fft of my mother saying "e" and the result was that the points are in a normal distribution. Then I created a fft using a ...
Eleno's user avatar
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Voice activity detection (VAD) libraries 2023

I am trying to use (not implement VAD algorithm) voice activity detection to get timestamps for a given audio but facing hard time doing so. What I am trying to achieve ? Find an offline library for ...
Gangadhar Jannu's user avatar
4 votes
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As of 2023, is it possible to extract two human voice from single audio track?

Isolation of different human voices from audio Separate two voices from a speech signal Several years ago it was hard to extract voice from music and almost impossible to separate two human voices ...
Schezuk's user avatar
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How to extract human voice from cluttered signal?

I have a signal which has human speech, background voice and noise as it can be seen in below figure. I have calculated its power spectral density (PSD) using many different methods which can be seen ...
sdkmlcngz's user avatar
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What's the difference between male and female voice? [duplicate]

If I record the voice of a man and a woman, what are the main differences I get in the various spectra and harmonics in Fourier analysis?
Luca Leone's user avatar
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What happens if I register my entry?

Taking as an example that I want to record my voice. How does it appear in the frequency spectrum? Can I also view it on other spectra?
Luca Leone's user avatar
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Similar voice features for imitated voice

What kind of audio signal features/properties are appropriate for signal similarity measurement invariant to imitation? Basically I would like to do the following: Having a template (e.g. a spoken ...
Micka's user avatar
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Did Dialup Modem use closed or open loop power/volume control? How did they determine Tx level?

I have been reading about dialup modems, but one thing I cannot seem to find out about is how implementers determined optimal transmit power/volume. Is this part of the echo cancelation framework? The ...
Liam Kelly's user avatar
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How timbre shifting is done?

I've recently came across two programs - Morphvox, VCSdiamond that are able to preform pitch shift, but also timbre shift. As far as I know the timbre is nothing but the amplitude of the harmonics in ...
Dannynis's user avatar
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Separating several kinds of information in a sound file

I have a 90min audio recording of a lecture using a handheld recorder. Since the recorder was in the shirt pocket of the speaker, I can clearly hear that the their voice is much louder than the ...
pitosalas's user avatar
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Audio Processing - How to create a spectral pitch display?

I want to create an application that analyzes human voice pitch, but spectrograms are very noisy. However, in Adobe Audition, there is a feature called the spectral pitch display, and it successfully ...
Hykilpikonna's user avatar
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Trim syllable audio recording to only the vowel

For a Chinese learning app, we let users record a syllable and we use speech recognition to assess if the pronunciation was correct or not. Every Chinese syllable can be pronounced with different ...
Paul's user avatar
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Resources for learning vocal signal processing

I was wondering if anyone could point me to any good resources on learning vocal signal processing. I have already learned a chunk of general DSP, but I haven't found any good resources for vocal ...
M S's user avatar
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How do I detect by ear if a quarter second audio clip is that of someone speaking or not?

I have a dataset of quarter second 16 bit mono PCM audio clips, each clip labelled as speech or nonspeech. I am trying to estimate the quality of the labelling by randomly sampling a few of them and ...
Anand's user avatar
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4 answers

Meaning of frequency and bandwidth of a signal, despite the fact that we do not know the signal

First of all, I am completely new to the domain of signal processing. As far as I know, a signal can be represented with an infinite integral of infinitesimal complex exponentials, which is known as a ...
Anastassis Kapetanakis's user avatar
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Male and female voice spectrum

I have a set of data which consists of male and female voices. They are pronunciation of a same sentence. What's the appropriate method for getting an average spectrum for the male and female voices ...
S.H.W's user avatar
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How to compare 2 MFCC (compare them if they where created from same speaker)

There are multiple speakers. Each speaker generates multiple MFCC. If I'm getting two different MFCC, can we know if those MFCC came from 2 different speakers or same speaker ? How can we compare ...
Boom's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I upsample 22 kHz speech audio recording to 44 kHz, maybe using AI?

I have a 22 kHz mono audio recording, which is mainly speech, a reading. I would like to upsample somehow to 44 kHz, to improve the audible quality. I have read about there are AI methods for ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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Echo removal from a chunk of PCM signal

I have implemented a paper regarding echo detection in real-time using MFCC coefficients. Now, I want to remove the echo from the mixed signal. Let me explain it as: There are two signals, NearEnd ...
Khubaib Ahmad's user avatar
-1 votes
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LPC Formant Estimation: Why resample?

The Burg algorithm implemented in PRAAT for formant estimation also works via LPC. First the sound is resampled to a sampling frequency of twice the value of maximum formant. Then a pre-emphasis is ...
Tom Huntington's user avatar
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3 answers

Obtain Envelope and Pitch curves of my Singing Voice

I wish, in real time, to hum into a mic and produce via dsp the envelope and pitch of what I am humming, before outputting these two signals to my analog synth. This synth takes a gate and a cv signal....
Baz's user avatar
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Speech recognition algorithm in GNU Octave to convert speech to text (and vice versa)

Recently, I am building an application in Octave and I saw some algorithms about speech recognition spread around the net, but most of them were implemented in Python, MATLAB, C++ and no one in Octave....
theEarlyRiser's user avatar
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Compute objective speech quality from Anritsu data

I want to compute an objective speech quality however what I have right now is the Anritsu raw data (layer between the Base Station Controller and the Mobile Switching Center), this raw data does not ...
Nassereddine BELGHITH's user avatar
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what are the vector formats similar to hash codes to store user's voice for future voice verification?

I have wav file of ~2-10sec of user's voice, taken from a conversation. Maybe it's SIMILAR TO a hash code. the general voice verification should look like: wav file -> vector new wav file ->vector ...
ERJAN's user avatar
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Digital Audio Mixing Fundamental. What will be the data rate of mixed audio?

I have voice data at 128 kbps coming from three different sources. I'm looking for mixing all three voices together and sending it back to speakers. What methodologies are there for mixing digital ...
hctrivedi3's user avatar
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Adding White Gaussian noise to a voice signal

I'm trying to add White Gaussian Noise to an audio file. However; the energy of the noise should be 1/10th of that of the signal. My first attempt is as following: ...
Jason's user avatar
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audio classification based only on first few seconds

I record audio notes on my recorder, and each belongs to a certain category ("work", "parenting", "miscellaneous", etc.). At the beginning of each recording, I say the name of the category, then stay ...
philophilosophia's user avatar
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Initial Clock synchronization between multiple smart phones (android OS) connected over Wifi?

I want to synchronize the initial clock of multiple smartphone devices (Android-based) for real-time VoIP communication. Basically, a MANET has been formed and I want to synchronize the clocks up to <...
Khubaib Ahmad's user avatar
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How to Synchronize multiple real time audio streams before mixing them?

I have been working on a VoIP solution in which I have to mix multiple audio streams coming from various sources. I have been facing muffled sound after the mixing of streams. I have implemented ASW ...
Khubaib Ahmad's user avatar
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Preprocess sound for voice recognition in Pocket Sphinx on Raspberry Pi 3

I want to improve my voice recognition system on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Pocket Spinx.
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How to exploit auditory masking to boost intelligibility

I am currently working on a dynamic equalizer to improve a synthesized voice's intelligibility in noisy environments. The current implementation of my algorithm simply applies a parametric EQ to the ...
user43523's user avatar
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Distort voice to hide talker identity as much as possible

I need to develop an app which makes speech recognition. Because I need to be able to constantly improve the recognition capability, I would like to train the engine with real recordings and match the ...
Ivano85's user avatar
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make a voice sound signal play faster

Suppose $x(t)$ is a signal containing a voice. How can one derive a signal playing the same voice faster. I tried $x(t+\lfloor{100t\rfloor}/100)$ to double the speed; But it adds a buzz sound. Is ...
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
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How does a telephone change your voice? [closed]

Is it due to vocal length normalization during MFCC? Please be kind enough to explain.
Daki Withanage's user avatar
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Given MFCC values for some wav’s, how can I easily tell if all speakers are the same?

Context: for a research project I have at regular times a batch of wav files with recordings of voice. The hypothesis is that all speakers in a batch are the same, but there might be 1 or a few “...
EddieM's user avatar
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Voice masking for removing voice and not birdsong

First the problem I'm tyring to solve: I'd like to find a way of removing any potential noise from audio files recorded in noisy environments where we are trying to record birdsong. This is for the ...
Finn Maunsell's user avatar
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What should I do with FFT result array from microphone input? [duplicate]

I currently want to create a small pitch detector and I have to say that I am very new in this topic of signal processing. At the moment I implemented the FFt algorithm and I got an array of window ...
MusicMagician's user avatar
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Pitch detection to find music notes (from voice)

Hi signal processing community, currently I am searching a topic for my master thesis in computer science and since I am a very good singer I want to do something with music. I thought about a topic ...
MusicMagician's user avatar
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How do I deepen my voice (I'm a female) to sound like a man in a video for a school project? [closed]

Some extra info. that I think might help or make things clearer: The video has several other people in it also talking (I don't want to change their voices). I have some experience in editing ...
Fida's user avatar
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Mathematical reason for MCPP in audio recognition?

MCPP uses a weird graph of human phychoacoustics measurements called MEL scale to process digital audio. Why is MEL used in DSP voice recognition if it's based on logarithmic human perception, and ...
bandybabboon's user avatar
2 votes
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How to correctly classify voice from other sound events?

I have a huge labeled dataset of several thousand sound events, including human voice, dish washing, things falling to the ground, among others. I need to report when a human voice event takes place....
felipeduque's user avatar
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Converting Google's text-to-speech voice to, say, Justin Bieber's voice

We are trying to convert text to an artist's voice. For example, we want input text in Justin Bieber's voice. We are converting text to mp3 files in Python using gTTS (Google Text-to-Speech). We can ...
piby180's user avatar
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Does the audio signal in the time domain change much after a RMS from one person to another?

I would like to train a deep neural network to perform lip syncing given an audio input like in this article. I want to train my neural network only on Obama speeches like done in the article and ...
Tiffany's user avatar
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Signal chain for voice calls including adaptive noise cancellation, adaptive echo cancellation, and automatic gain control and their algorithms

I am trying to understand the entire signal chain and all the algorithms associated with adaptive filtering as mentioned in the case above. From my understanding: Adaptive noise filtering (ANF)- can ...
Akhilesh Rao's user avatar
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CODECS used for VoIP calls

I am trying to self-study audio codecs and I am trying to understand the difference between CODECS that come under AMR-WB, SuperWB and EVS vs. AAC-LD (MPEG-4). When is the former used and when is the ...
Akhilesh Rao's user avatar
10 votes
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How does Siri recognize me saying "Hey Siri"?

I am trying to understand how my iPhone can continually listening for me saying Hey Siri, Alexa, ...
nowox's user avatar
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Raw speech data into spectrogram

I am using Delphi trying to make a very simple speech recognition system. The system collects raw data well, but I have a hard time turning the data into a spectrogram: The system collects an array ...
Thomas Riedel's user avatar