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Questions tagged [source-separation]

Source separation is the study of separating signal(s) from mixed sources.

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How to correctly use blind source separation for jamming suppression?

I want to extract the target signal and remove noise using blind source separation algorithm. . I have used this code: def abs_sqr(W,X): return abs(W.conj()**2 def complex_FastICA(X,epsilon=....
ananya's user avatar
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Non-blind source separation for binary vector

I have an observation of two sources of signal with one monitor. It produces a binary vector of size n: \begin{equation} x^{n} \in [0,1] \end{equation} Each position in vector $x$ is sampled either ...
GCNN's user avatar
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Time delay estimation for superimposed random signals sampled from a multivariate Gaussian mixture?

Suppose my signal model is: $$ \mathbf{y} = D(\tau_1) \mathbf{x}_1 + D(\tau_2) \mathbf{x}_2 $$ where $D(\tau)$ is a delay matrix that shifts a signal by $\tau$ samples. $\mathbf{x}_1$ and $\mathbf{x}...
DangerousTim's user avatar
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Location and partition where template signals most differ for informed source separation

I state the problem in continuous time, yet of course it is discrete in practice, and time here stand for any ordinal axis (like frequency, scale). I observe a real signal $y$ which is supposed to be ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
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Signal Separation (constant modulus)

I am trying to separate two source signals, that have constant envelope. The things is that the mixture if forming a Torus, and I am not sure about which algorithm is the most adapted to the situation....
cassidi's user avatar
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Fiber Photometry (Fluorescence) Signal Preprocessing through Source Separation and Baseline Correction

I am working on preprocessing fiber photometry data. The data collection involves inserting fibers into an animal, where the reflection of specific wavelengths of light is captured. We collect two ...
Fazla Rabbi Mashrur's user avatar
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How to retune this mixture of 2 close-frequency sinusoids?

I have a signal which is a mixture of 2 close-frequency sinusoids, something like 1320 Hz and 1325 Hz, with an amplitude envelope which is typical for a musical instrument (ADSR). $$s(t) = a_1(t) \sin(...
g6kxjv1ozn's user avatar
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Comparing methods of blind source separation

I am currently working on blind source separation using sparse hypotheses and convolutive mixtures. For my project, I have compared three different methods and calculated the Signal-to-Distortion ...
BLOBA fitz's user avatar
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mixing two signal for blind source separation

is this the right way to mix two signals? (I am self learning Blind source separation) ...
BLOBA fitz's user avatar
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How would you compute Fourier transform of a real world signal where the signal keeps getting updated (not a static one)?

Crossposted at Electrical Engineering SE A very naive question: How do we use Fourier transform for real world signals - for which you have the information only up to the present instant (and the ...
Dynamic_equilibrium's user avatar
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Deconvolution of a ground-penetrating radar signal for further convolution with a desired source signal

I am following the instructions of this paper ( to process a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) signal (a discrete signal sampled at a ...
Luis Fraga's user avatar
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NMF for BSS, prevent zero valued sources

I'm using NMF (Non-negative Matrix Factorization) on a Blind Source Separation application and using sparsity, decorrelation and smoothness regularization on the Frobenius Norm Cost Function using ALS ...
Ivo Tebexreni's user avatar
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As of 2023, is it possible to extract two human voice from single audio track?

Isolation of different human voices from audio Separate two voices from a speech signal Several years ago it was hard to extract voice from music and almost impossible to separate two human voices ...
Schezuk's user avatar
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Good models to separate speech and noise?

I have an audio clip containing speech and noise. I want to separate the noise signal from the speech signal. I've looked at some deep-learning based models, but they only remove the noise, without ...
Sophiefy's user avatar
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Gradient algorithm for Convolutional Blind Source Separation

I'm trying to implement an algorithm for Convolutional Blind Source Separation (CBSS) based on the ALS algorithm for common BSS on this paper. On this paper, the problem is formulated by (noise ...
Ivo Tebexreni's user avatar
9 votes
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What is the relationship between beamforming and Independent Component Analysis (ICA)?

My first inclination when thinking about the Cocktail Party Problem would be to use adaptive beamforming to isolate different signals, but this does not seem to be how the problem is commonly thought ...
Gillespie's user avatar
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How can I perform semi-blind non-orthogonal successive interference cancellation (SIC) / source-separation with SISO in 4G/5G Downlink?

Semi-blind non-orthogonal successive interference cancellation in the single antenna case with 4G/5G signals (applies generally though). This is very similar to NOMA in 5G, except that I have no ...
joemelsha's user avatar
5 votes
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Classifying 2 Classes of Ultrasound Signal Using Machine Learning by Frequency Domain

I have two samples which, when exposed to ultrasound, emit their unique frequency responses. As can be seen in the attached figure, where the exciting frequency is 2.25 MHz, sample 1 emits a strong ...
nasrin's user avatar
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Why does sign ambiguity occur in ICA?

I do not really understand the source of sign ambiguity in ICA. First, my understanding that If I apply ICA on a signal $X$ and I got 3 ICs which are represented by a set $IC^1$. Then, applying ICA on ...
rando's user avatar
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Separating a sum of time-shifted signals

Let us suppose that I measure, with an instrument, $h(t,\delta)=f(t)+g(t+\delta)$, where $f(t)$ is the desired signal, and $g(t)$ corresponds to some added undesirable corruption to $h(t,\delta)$. In ...
Evan's user avatar
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Blind source separation for asynchronously observed mixture channels

Given your practical and theoretical expertise: Does ICA work reliably when applied to a multidimensional mixture (observation) $X = (X^1, \cdots, X^d)$ if the different channels $X^i$ of the ...
rmcerafl's user avatar
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Remove a full song from audio recording

I have some audio recordings at 16KHz, which only contain music (BenSound Adventure: Since I know the music and have a separate wav file, I was wondering ...
rise of a phoenix's user avatar
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Can machine learning extract two source signals, given a mixed signal?

I have two signals from two sources at a given condition and I have a mixed signal at the same condition that I know is coming from those same two sources. Is it possible to extract the source signals ...
NASRIN AKTER's user avatar
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Realtime Independent Vector Analysis

I have been working on an implementation of Real-time (Online) IVA (independent vector analysis). The paper I am referring to is: Real-Time Independent Vector Analysis for Convolutive Blind Source ...
El kouk Ilyas's user avatar
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Cocktail Party Problem with a Single Signal of Data (Single Mic)

I have been doing some multimodal signal analysis, and sometimes ICA is used for detecting statistically independent components. From my understanding, say if you have 2 sources and 2 receivers/...
NeuroEng's user avatar
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If two signals have different distributions that you know and can model, can you use that to separate them?

For example, if I have a mixed signal composed of signal A added to signal B, and I know that the histogram of signal A is non-Gaussian in the time domain, and that the histogram of signal B is ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Signal separation

This is probably a blind signal separation problem of sorts, but it seems like it should be easier than I am finding it. Let’s say I have N time series, each of length [M x 1] that are a superposition ...
Tim's user avatar
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Why do we need to estimate eigenvalues?

I am not working in signal processing field, but recently I happen to read a paper which estimates source numbers using Gerschgorin radii, and I feel kind of confused about why we need to estimate ...
WBR's user avatar
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sound source localization - calculation of sound intensity vector angles

I'm working on an acoustic source separation problem where I want to separate the voices of a choir based on intensity vector statistics. I'm currently implementing a paper by Günel called “Acoustic ...
Dries's user avatar
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Is there a repository for source separation test images e.g. the star-galaxy images?

I'm having trouble finding standard images used for testing source-separation algorithms in image processing. For instance, a common example I see is the "star-galaxy" images. Most papers I'...
Zim's user avatar
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Can Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Solve the Cocktail Party Problem?

I'm looking into the cocktail party problem and trying to figure out whether something like Principal Component Analysis is enough to separate out all the various voices at the cocktail party into its ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
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Fast ICA : recover the sources with their mean after prewhitening

I want to apply the FastICA algorithm on a certain dataset. I believe the sources the Fast ICA can recover are able to explain other data as well (in similar way to factor analysis). However, I also ...
user9875321__'s user avatar
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Separating/recovering base signal from two mixed signals, given phase information

I have collected two signals, $B_1(x)$ and $B_2(x)$. The signals start and end at the same $x$-values. Each signal $B_i(x)$ contains: a base signal $b(x)$, which is the same for both, and a signal, ...
rotano's user avatar
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How to extract two signals from one signal by selecting right index?

Assume that we want to solve $$AX=B$$ Where both $A, X, B$ are matrices. I solved this by using ordinary least squares: $$X = (A^TA)^{-1}A^TB$$ And I got this result for one column in $X$. Here ...
euraad's user avatar
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FastICA: what happens when we have more source than channel?

I am reading the original article proposing FastICA and I have a couple of question on point not covered in the article. Both answering me or providing a source will be very appreciated. I want to ...
Davide F.'s user avatar
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Source separation on multiple observations of the same signal

I possess an ensemble of signal observations: $x_i[n]=s[n]*g_i[n]$, $i=1,2,....,N$ where $N$ is a very large number compared to individual signal lengths (signal lengths are identical). Here, $s[n]$ ...
Monotros's user avatar
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What is the best way to separate data using compressive sensing?

In the book Compressed Sensing by Kutyniok et al, the author talks about data separation using sparse representation. In summary, if we have a signal vector $x = x_1 + x_2$ Then, it would be ...
Lord's user avatar
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Separate two measured combinations of two signals with different time delays

I have two signal s1(t) and s2(t) that I want to extract but I can only measure: y1(t) = s1(t) + s2(t-d1) y2(t) = s1(t-d2) + s2(t-d3) The time delays d1, d2 and d3 are unknown, though I have a ...
torpedo's user avatar
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Blind source separation from microphone array

I was following this article and I wanted to "borrow" their Idea for my own work. The difference is that I am using a microphone tetrahedral array and not a binaural microphone. I have two different ...
havakok's user avatar
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Splitting an audio signal into multiple audio signals based on frequency range in Librosa

Using the Librosa package in Python, how may I separate an audio signal into multiple audio signals based on frequency range? I have a file music.mp3. I used HPSS ...
Celesti Aurus's user avatar
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Blind source separation with one source rotated

I have two images: $$ I_1 = w_{11}A + w_{12}B, \\ I_2 = w_{21}A + w_{22} \bar{B}. $$ $A$ and $B$ are unknown. $\bar{B}$ is ${B}$ rotated by 180 degree. For both images, $A$ has higher signal-to-...
AJS's user avatar
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How to classify overlapped signals?

A known signal, signal 1 got overlapped with an unknown signal. Likewise, signal 2 overlapped with another unknown signal. The problem I face now is how to classify the overlapped signals based on the ...
user41581's user avatar
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Incorporate another dimension to non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)?

My first data profile has 3 dimensions; atom pattern (I think it is similar to frequency), time, and signal intensity. I can use supervised NMF for source separation straightforwardly. Because the ...
Jan's user avatar
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Improve NMF for data with partial overlaps in multiple groups?

I want to use NMF to separate true sources from data. My data is in group structure with overlap elements. For example (in the smaller version) group1: contains A,B,C,D,E,F,G patterns group2: ...
Jan's user avatar
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How Is Mixed Norm ($ {L}_{1, 2 }$) Better than $ {L}_{1} $ Norm for Sparse Representation?

Using $ {l}_{1} $-norm regularization for the purpose of achieving sparsity of the solution has been successfully applied a lot. But many times, I found the paper using mixed-norm instead of $l_1$-...
Jan's user avatar
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How to isolate overlapping FM signals?

Analogue radio stations often have a range of frequencies that they can use. Different transmission towers will transmit on different carrier frequencies in this range, because the signal takes time ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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Audio Steganography: Inaudible Audio Watermarking for Source Identification

What is a relatively inaudible audio watermarking technique to overlay a broadband audio signal on top of playing music without analysing the music for low-bitrate source identification? Ideally ...
Petrus Theron's user avatar
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Generalized Sidelobe Cancelling performance

I'm tinkering with different adaptive beam-forming algorithms for a research project in which I want to use a Uniform Rectangular microphones Array (URA) to isolate speech in a room. I am determining ...
Florent's user avatar
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Is sparsity induced penalty in source separation "Entrywise matrix norms"?

I am reading this paper where they introduce norm penalties for source separation. In table 1, the $\log/ l_1$ type is $\sum_{g} log(\epsilon + \lVert H_{g} \rVert_1)$. I wonder this $\lVert H_{g} \...
Jan's user avatar
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Find which groups of ants are coexisted in the location from their signal profiles using NMF

I try to solve biological problem to tell which groups of ants are co-existed at this location by their sounds in specific time frame. My chosen framework is Non-negative Matrix Factorisation (NMF) ...
Jan's user avatar
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