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Questions tagged [white-noise]

White noise has constant power spectral density for all frequencies. Because there is no bandlimit to white noise, it has infinite overall power.

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ENBW for non-white noise condition

The usual defininition of equivalent noise bandwidth (ENBW) seems to include a white-noise condition. However, say I know the noise spectra of my signal is distributed differently, say pink noise. ...
Davey's user avatar
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Deriving the BER equations for BPSK; justification for noise variance of $\frac{N_0}{2}$

We model White Gaussian noise (having power $\sigma^2$) as a Gaussian process $n$, whereby for every interval $(t_0,~ t_0 + L)$ the integral $\int_{t_0}^{t_0 + L}n~dt$ is a Gaussian random variable ...
Mark's user avatar
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Variance of pink noise derived from gaussian white noise of known variance

Say that we've sampled white noise from a 0-centered gaussian distribution with variance $\sigma^2$. We now derive pink noise by $1/f$ filtering. Will the resulting pink noise have a neat and simple ...
nylanderDev's user avatar
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Why use white noise over an impulse signal (or vice versa) to understand how a system would behave?

An impulse signal and white noise both have a flat spectrum. When they are passed into a system, the response will indicate how each frequency component will be modified by the system. Is there any ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Show that the impulse response of an LTI system can be determined by observing the output and inputting white noise

Problem Show that the impulse response of an LTI system can be determined by observing the output and inputting white noise. Attempt Let $x(t)$ be the input signal (white noise) and $y(t)$ be the ...
Carl's user avatar
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Minimum Number of Base Accelerations Needed to Simulate Gaussian White Noise in Structural Dynamics?

I am currently working on a scientific paper where I subject a structure to base accelerations modeled as Gaussian white noise. I am relatively new to signal processing and would appreciate some ...
Coaster9's user avatar
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Symmetry of white noise

I am fairly new to signal processing and the concept of noise. I recently started working on a project related to data gathered from some cheap sensors. I have therefore been trying to gather some ...
mNugget's user avatar
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Flatten noise floor of spectrum by reference/dark measurement

I'm currently stuck with a problem and would appreciate any input or guidance in this regard. Background information In a laser experiment, an amplitude signal in volts and a position signal are ...
Rex's user avatar
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Identification of the spectrum color of a coded video signal

I have two encoded video signals (MPEG and H.263). In each file, I have information about the frames of the video. I calculated the autocorrelation and then did the Fourier transform to find and plot ...
user72361's user avatar
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How should I go about completely decorrelating a digital signal?

So I'm working on real time signal compression, and I need to come up with the best convolution to minimize the entropy of incoming data (which I will then compress), which I understand is achieved by ...
2 False's user avatar
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Intuitive understanding of the relationship between the variance of a Wiener process and the variance of white noise

The Wiener process $W(t)$ is said to be the integral of white noise $\xi(t)$ from $0$ to $t$. That is, $$W(t) = \int_{0}^{t} \xi(t')dt'$$ However, the variance of $\xi(t)$ is infinite, but the ...
Mashe Burnedead's user avatar
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Rigorous derivation of autocorrelation of white noise

It is said that the autocorrelation of white noise is the dirac delta function $\delta(\tau)$, but I don't know how to derive that... Since white noise is a function with constant power spectral ...
Mashe Burnedead's user avatar
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Generating a whitening filter using MATLAB cceps() function

I have a few thousand realisations of a discrete stochastic process. I am trying to generate a whitening filter from these realisations. I am expected to use the MATLAB cceps() function to generate ...
SumDood's user avatar
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Unbalanced binary sequences for system identification?

I have a physical system that I'd like to obtain the frequency response for. I can only provide binary sequences as inputs to the system. Normally, I'd use a MLS (maximal length sequence) and ...
tkw954's user avatar
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Estimating noise power from sensor signal

I'm a beginner in signal processing and a bit lost. I have sensor readings from a load sensor of real system. I want to replicate the noise inherent in the signal in simulink using the Bandlimited ...
greysignals's user avatar
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Why is white noise uncorrelated for any two different samples?

Consider white noise with spectrum density $N_0/2$, it is known that the autocorrelation is given by: $$R(\tau) = \frac{N_0}{2}\delta(\tau)$$ Meanwhile the definition of delta function in the ...
Harry's user avatar
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Simultaneous removal of all noises in all channels?

Can MATLAB be able to look at all 16 channels of a bio-amplifier simultaneously and look for the common factor which is the noise which affects all channels simultaneously, and the noises removed from ...
Jtl's user avatar
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White noise vs low-pass filters

It seems common that people assume white (aka Gaussian) additive noise. Yet it is also common to use low-pass filters to remove noise. But white noise shows up equally on all frequency bands. So it ...
profPlum's user avatar
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Jitter model does not behave as expected after FFT

So I'm currently trying to understand the relationship between jitter and phase noise. To help my understanding I did write a little simulation in matlab. I used this model in the time domain, relying ...
Maci's user avatar
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How to produce a noise spectrum from an rms velocity specification?

For a dynamic model I am looking at the appropriate input to analyse the performance under the influence of floor vibrations. The norm is an ISO VC-C floor spectrum as displayed in the image. However, ...
Jan's user avatar
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What is the best method to filter a signal where baseline and the signal of interest have overlapping frequency range?

I am reading out the movement of a motor arm using a Hall sensor and a magnet pair. The hall sensor measures the distance between the sensor and the magnet. The motor arm is being moved with a band-...
chinmayeelm's user avatar
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How does the sampling rate of a digital filter limit the sampling rate that can be used for replay of filtered signal?

I need a band-limited white noise to characterize a biological sensor that senses mechanical movement. For that, I am generating a Gaussian white noise (MATLAB Communications toolbox) of length 10 ...
chinmayeelm's user avatar
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What duration of a white noise burst is required for it to be "white" at a given frequency or frequency range?

I am running white noise bursts (with very short ramps on/off to prevent discontinuities) through underdamped resonant bandpasses which are tuned to any given $f_0$ and an underdamped $Q$. Continuous ...
mike's user avatar
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Why different noise terms are read at specific sampling interval in Allan Variance plot?

I was trying to identify Quantization Noise, Angle Random Walk, Bias Instability, and Rate Random Walk from Allan Variance plot which as Allan deviation on y axis and Sampling Time Interval ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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$i^{\text{th}}$-dimensional autocorrelation function

I am referring to the work of Stephen A. Billings on "Identification of a class of nonlinear systems using correlation analysis" from the year 1978, where it is mentioned that the $i^{\text{...
Neuling's user avatar
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Implementing a non-causal Wiener filter

I'm attempting to implement a non-causal Wiener filter for removing additive white noise from a measured signal. I've had some trouble and I have reduced my problem to a demonstration on simulated ...
Marc's user avatar
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Find the spectral density of the square of white noise with a limited bandwidth

I tried the following order of operations: Let's consider the spectral density of the square of white noise with with a limited frequency band. If $S_{x} \! \left( f \right)$ is the spectral density ...
Raist Majere's user avatar
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Zero-mean preprocessing before calculating the autocorrelation

I am aware that if we do not subtract the mean value from the white noise at the beginning (if the mean is not equal to 0), that its autocorrelation function will be triangle shaped and not a delta ...
vakula85's user avatar
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brickwall infra white noise generator

I would like to generate brickwall low pass filtered white noise. a cutoff of 1/n is fine for integer n. I suspect that I could mess around with samples that are convolved with the sinc function, but ...
micsthepick's user avatar
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Signal power depending on FFT bin size

I have read the following quote from a different post: If the noise is white (spread evenly across frequency), then the power will be distributed equally to each bin, and as we increase the number of ...
Processor48's user avatar
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Modelling MEMS accelerometer noise

I am trying to compare two MEMS accelerometers in terms of their noise for ground motion monitoring applications. I would like to take some "clean" data (recorded by good quality ...
marco890's user avatar
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PSD of the sum of two zero-mean white noise signals

I am trying to solve the following exercise, where $y(t)$ is the sum of two signals $x_1(t)$ and $x_2(t)$ with each of them being the product of the convolution of $e_i(t)$ with $h_i(t)$. So far I ...
Asmodeus's user avatar
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Noise color in multidimensional frequency space - is there an angular effect or dependence?

I understand that if there is a non-constant level of noise in one-dimensional frequency space, e.g. noise variance increasing linearly with frequency gives "blue noise" in the iFFT space. ...
Samalama's user avatar
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Discrete Time Filtered White Noise

Theoretically, the variance of a filtered white noise should be: $$\sigma^2 = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{N_0}{2}|H(f)|^2\,\mathrm df = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \text{PSD}_{\text{new}}(f)\,\mathrm df$$ ...
Processor48's user avatar
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Generating time-domain noise from PSD

I have a question regarding generating a time-domain noise from the power spectral density (PSD), this was addressed in this question (How to generate time-series from a given one-sided PSD?) but I ...
M.O.'s user avatar
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How to determine Transmission Rate for Task Offloading in edge computing?

I am new to communication systems and am working on a model for task offloading on edge computing. One key parameter I'm aiming to determine is the data transmission rate. While I am familiar with ...
user4594525's user avatar
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How to calculate capacity using Shannon and path-loss?

I am working on tasks offloading on edge computing. I need to find the transmission delay, through calculating Shannon capacity-theoretical maximum data rate- when sending results from the server back ...
user4594525's user avatar
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Why is power level area under the autocorrelation function of the white-noise signal?

A paper I am reading (Linear and Nonlinear Encoding Properties of an Identified Mechanoreceptor on the Fly Wing Measured with Mechanical Noise Stimuli) defines power level for a white-noise signal as ...
chinmayeelm's user avatar
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What Is Continuous White Noise in The Context of Signal Processing and Broadly

How can one define Continuous White Noise in a coherent way? Is there a way to derive it Mathematically? Specifically, is there a way to define it which will works as the model in Signal Processing ...
Royi's user avatar
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Mean squared error between white noise and colored noise

While studying the whitening filter, I still can't come up with an intuitive and reasonable explanation of why a whitening filter is needed. As this question and its answer mentioned, I understand ...
Emm386's user avatar
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If add white noise to the signal, how much does the std of the noise affect the thd of the signal?

I'm an electrical department student studying signals and systems. The RMS value of the general AC electrical signal is 6.31V, and the first harmonic value is 6.30932V(rms). (THD is approximately 1.5% ...
Jiwon's user avatar
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Removing white reflective pixels from scanned RGB image (Python - preferably OpenCV)

The images above are tiles taken from a scanned painting. It's easy to see where there are tiny reflections scattered throughout. I wish to remove (or diminish) the tiny reflections somehow, across a ...
Konchog's user avatar
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Why power = variance = rms^2 in the White Noise process?

I'm an electrical engineering student studying statistics. I saw in an article that White Noise variance = power = rms^2. Could you explain how this expression is ...
Jiwon's user avatar
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Where does the following expression for stationary Gaussian Noise come from: $\langle \tilde{n}(f)\tilde{n}(f')\rangle = \delta(f-f')\frac{1}{2}S_n$?

First, the definitions: Definition (Gaussian process) A random process $X(t)$ is a Gaussian process if for all time points, $t_1,\ldots,t_n$ the random variables $X(t_1 ),\ldots,X(t_n)$ have a ...
DetectorNoise007's user avatar
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How to apply chi square formula if the expected value is 0?

My $H_0$ hypothesis is that the N signals I've collected are just white random noise, i.e.: $H_0: d(t) = n(t)$ I'm then asked to formulate the $\chi^2$ test for this. But according to the formula $\...
Terklton's user avatar
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Is a white noise always zero mean and uncorrelated?

It seems to be silly, but is it possible to deduce mathematically that a white noise is necessarily zero mean and uncorrelated? I have seen some people defining a white process as a zero-mean and ...
Rubem Pacelli's user avatar
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Reducing Noise Floor by Sampling Larger BW or Noise Shaping White Noise

If I am sampling a sensor with white noise (Johnson) that is the noise floor of the system could I drive the noise floor down by sampling a larger bandwidth than I care about and then using a digital ...
EasyOhm's user avatar
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Predicting distribution of integral of random process from power spectral density?

Suppose I have a random process $X(t)$ and I know the power spectral density of $X(t)$, $S_{XX}(f)$. What can be said about the distribution of $Y(t) = \int_{t'=0}^T X(t') dt'$? Bear in mind I have a ...
Jagerber48's user avatar
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White noise does not contradicts Wide Sense Stationarity?

I am studying White Noise. But I am really beginner level, so I have a confusion with its construction. White Noise is usually defined as a Wide Sense Stationary process $N=\{N_t\}_{t\in T}$ (for $T$ ...
C David Reinach's user avatar
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Why does adding white noise improve the calculation of frequency of a sine wave in the time domain?

I created short audio files with a sine wave (tone) having a set frequency, and added varying white noise to it generated by a random number generator. I wanted to code and test the simple algorithm ...
Petoetje59's user avatar