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The processing of signals for the purpose of extracting a parameter or property embedded in a signal. Signal goes in and far fewer numbers come out.

2 votes

Maximum of the sum of different sinusoids

As Hilmar says, you can get pretty loose bounds. Might be better just to grind it out: import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def calculate_signal(A, omega, phi, t): if isinstanc …
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 26k
0 votes

instantaneous frequency for a complex signal

This line [f]=instfreq(lfm); should be [f]=instfreq(lfm)*fs; If I do that and plot the true $\phi$ and the estimated $\phi$ then they overlap: Code Below clear all; clc; B=20e3; fs=100e3; T=10e-3 …
Peter K.'s user avatar
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0 votes

How to find the pattern of a signal or main cycle of a signal?

For the second part, I'd just do the sum of absolute differences. If I pull out this pattern: and run this code: pattern_to_find = data[117000:121000] x = np.zeros(len(data)) for k in range(1,(len(da …
Peter K.'s user avatar
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5 votes

How can we treat real signal as imaginary?

The MRI system is taking two sets of measurements: the in-phase and quadrature measurements. Both measurements are real. There is no way for a physical system to measure $i5 V$, we measure $5 V$. The …
Peter K.'s user avatar
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5 votes

How to estimate the local trend in a signal?

Start simple: just use a 1-D median filter of an appropriate length. If I do that with a length of 100 samples, I get the following for your first signal. The top plot shows the original signal (blue …
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 26k
1 vote

What is DC gain of sine wave multiple?

In addition to Dan's explanation, the other problem is that there are two impedances in parallel: the 4k$\Omega$ resistor and the 4k$\Omega$ in series with the capacitor. That means the overall imped …
Peter K.'s user avatar
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3 votes

MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) for Frequency Estimation

The second implementation takes account of the sampling frequency twice. This line freq_array = np.arange(-fs/2, fs/2, fs/nfft) should be changed to freq_array = np.arange(-0.5, 0.5, 1/nfft) which t …
Peter K.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Detecting outliers/noise from sensor data

For a higher tech approach, try the method in P. Zheng, E. Chouzenoux, and L. Duval, "PENDANTSS: PEnalized Norm-Ratios Disentangling Additive Noise, Trend and Sparse Spikes," IEEE Signal Processing L …
Peter K.'s user avatar
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3 votes

How to detect decrease of a digital signal?

I agree with Ben: use the CUSUM algorithm first up and see if that meets your needs. If I do a rudimentary attempt at simulating your signal and implementing CUSUM, then I get the output shown below. …
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 26k
1 vote

Is there a formal definition of what it means for a signal to be sparse?

This page gives the following definition: A signal is said to be sparse if it can be represented in a basis or frame (e.g Fourier, Wavelets, Curvelets, etc.) in which the curve obtained by plotting t …
Peter K.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Relationship between energy, power and sampling rate?

As rb-j alludes to in the comments, it's helpful to be clear about what is meant by energy. When sampling a continuous-time signal, there is a time period between each sample: the sampling period. For …
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 26k
0 votes

Method for splitting time-sampled signal into two signals

The usual way I'd think about approaching this sort of problem is to apply a Kalman filter. The first step in applying a Kalman filter is knowing what the model for your signal is: Can you write down …
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 26k
2 votes

Why is ARMA preferred instead of AR?

An AR model takes the input $x[n]$ and generates the output $y[n]$ using only the present input and past computed outputs: $$ y[n] = \sum_{k=1}^{K} a_k y[n-k] + b_0 x[n] $$ An ARMA model allows the pr …
Peter K.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Doubt on Signal Processing Step

It's not clear what your code is doing, but my understanding is: Delta = PresentSample * np.conj(PreviousSample) gets the difference between the previous sample and the present one. This might look l …
Peter K.'s user avatar
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0 votes

convert from binary to hexadecimal according to the algorithm "keeloq"

As per @tonys in the comments. \begin{matrix} 1101 \ 1111 \ 1101 \ 1101 & \rightarrow& \mbox{inverted, bit reversed} & \rightarrow& \tt 0x04 \ 0x44\\ 0001 \ 0111 \ 0001 \ 0111 & \rightarrow& \color{r …
Peter K.'s user avatar
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