Linked Questions

105 votes
6 answers

Why should I zero-pad a signal before taking the discrete Fourier transform?

In an answer to a previous question, it was stated that one should zero-pad the input signals (add zeros to the end so that at least half of the wave is "blank") What's the reason for this?...
Jonas's user avatar
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Determining minimum window length for DTFT [duplicate]

Let $x(t) = \cos(2\pi\times15t)+\cos(2\pi\times22t)+\cos(2\pi\times35t)+\cos(2\pi\times42t)$ and $\forall t\in\mathbb{R} :w(t) = 1$. We sample $x(t)$ and $w(t)$ with $F_s = 92 \ \text{Hz}$. So we ...
S.H.W's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

What is Frequency Resolution?

Im trying to tackle the following problem while still not having a firm idea on what "frequency resolution" means : Suppose we sample a continuous time signal with sampling period Ts = 1/2000, and ...
Αποστολης Καρασμανογλου's user avatar
6 votes
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Link between DFS, DFT, DTFT

My understanding of DFT is as follows For a signal $x[n]$ of finite-length, the DFT is DFS of the periodic extension, $\tilde{x}[n]$, of that signal $x[n]$ and also another way to view DFT is that it’...
Subramanian NK's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How to derive the bin width / maximum frequency of DFT/STFT

The bin width is given by the $F_s / N$ and the maximum frequency is given by $F_s / 2$ where $F_s$ is the sample rate and $N$ is the number of samples of the DFT. Going between these is trivial, but ...
Tom Huntington's user avatar
6 votes
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For 2D signals can it be said that the frequency response is the same as the Fourier transform?

Say I have a signal: [1, 1 , 1; 1 100 1; 1 1 1];, I wanted its frequency response, then can I take its FFT? Why does MATLAB have two functions to do the same ...
user26763's user avatar
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Relation of zero-padding and frequency resolution

Consider simple rectangular pulse and FFT of it in Python: ...
Curious's user avatar
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FFT of any sinusoidal signal -- how many point fft to take?

suppose I have to measure the DFT of an 60 hz sinusoidal signal and calculate upto 20 harmonics of this. Value of the 20th harmonic will be 20*60 = 1200 HZ. Then my sampling frequency should be >= 20*...
user6363's user avatar
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Specific Frequency Resolution

I have an audio signal SampleRate Fs: 44100 Hz TotalSamples: 94144 samples Duration t: 2.1348 s The frequency resolution is given by ...
Learthgz's user avatar
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Understanding LPC for Formant Estimation

I went through the Matlab tutorial on Formant Estimation using LPC Coefficients. Though I vaguely understand the details, it's not entirely clear why we need to do this. From
Sean's user avatar
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DTFT of any finite sequence in matlab

I think freqz in a MATLAB toolbox, is the way to obtain DTFT of sequence. freqz can calculate frequency response of: H(z)=(Num)/...
mohammadsdtmnd's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Does downsampling increase the resolution of frequencies?

I am currently working in MATLAB and had to downsample a .WAV file (I used the downsample function in MATLAB) to 44.1 kHz. However, when I compared the two spectrograms of the original signal vs the ...
Sam's user avatar
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2 answers

Getting the DTFT from the DFT samples

How would you get the DTFT from the DFT samples? How will the DFT indexes map to the discrete frequency and what kind of an interpolation would be required?
Dsp guy sam's user avatar
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Computing the Power Spectrum Density (PSD) on a CSV File in Python

im quit new with signal processing and im trying to calculate the PSD of a signal im sampling. the signal is an output of a DC buck converter this is the code im using and this is the plot im getting ...
Yossi Israel's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Effect of changing sample rate, window duration and zero padding on DTFT and DFT

Let $T$ be the window duration, $N$ be the DFT size, $F_s$ be the sample rate, and $F_{max}$ be the frequency of the highest bin. In the context of image below: halving the $F_s$ (keeping $T$ ...
Tom Huntington's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Short-time Fourier transform Tradeoffs

In the Short-time Fourier transform what are the tradeoffs between different: window functions window lengths sample rates
Tom Huntington's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

FFT and number of samples relations

I am new in signal processing. I generated a signal with $f_{in}=10 \mathrm{kHz}$ and also take 64 sample from this signal after doing some process in an ADC block. I want to convert the result to the ...
saleh's user avatar
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2 answers

What proportion of a padded FFT should be actual values

For a given signal, I've been told that you can pad the vector with $0$s at the end to get a larger DFT, and as a result get more precision in frequency bins. What are the limits to this approach? ...
Zephyr's user avatar
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Image zooming with Fourier transform

I want to go from this image into this one: So basically I need to scale the white square. The authors of the paper claim that this can be done in four steps: zero-padding in real space (image is ...
WoofDoggy's user avatar
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Smallest FFT buffer size given zero-padding

I am currently working on a project that involves processing an audio signal by dividing it into chunks of size B. The buffer is then zero padded to have a size of 44100 points, after which FFT is ...
MJZ's user avatar
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Get all local maxima of a DFT

I'm doing a Machine Learning project that incorporates many DSP elements in feature extraction. I am looking at the STFT of a piece of audio and trying to search for specific spectral features within ...
NmdMystery's user avatar
-4 votes
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Can digital filters actually separate signals?

I've come to realize what appears to be a hard limit in convolution theorem: to avoid time-domain aliasing, we must pad the signal/filter, but the padding distorts the spectrum. Consider a ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
0 votes
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What's the difference between calculating the FFT of a constant sound for 5 seconds versus every 1 second and taking the average?

I'm interested in learning the frequency spectrum of a constant sound. However, there is background noise. My plan is to record the sound for 1 second, take the FFT, and then doing this 5 times and ...
user173729's user avatar
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How can I do a proper FFT of an interpolated signal?

I have a signal $3.5 \cdot 10^{-5}s$ long as shown below. It was unevenly sampled so I did cubic spine interpolation. My signal as shown in time domain about 0.9V and 1MHz frequency. I want to make an ...
lub2354's user avatar
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