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Cris Luengo's user avatar
Cris Luengo
  • Member for 6 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
20 votes

What Is the Difference between Difference of Gaussian, Laplace of Gaussian, and Mexican Hat Wavelet?

13 votes

Why $y[n] = x[-n]$ is not time-invariant?

8 votes

Appropriate Gaussian filter parameters when resizing image

7 votes

Why does the frequency in the DFT have to be an integer?

7 votes

The Effect of the Finite Radius of Gaussian Kernel

6 votes

What does convolving an image with kernel [1 -2 1] do? How is it different than convolving with the derivative kernel [1 -1]?

6 votes

How to smoothen signal with missing values before differentiation?

6 votes

How Is Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) Implemented as Four 1D Convolutions?

4 votes

kernel to calculate second order partial derivative of digital image

4 votes

Are scipy second-order Gaussian derivatives correct?

4 votes

Metric for image sharpness?

4 votes

How many directions are there in the Non Maximum Suppression part of the Canny Edge Detector

4 votes

Is there an analogue to the 2D DFT that is rotation equivariant?

4 votes

Discrete Fourier Transform of the Gaussian

3 votes

What is the relationship between luminosity of Lab color space and intensity of HSI color space?

3 votes

What is the type of blurring in such an image?

3 votes

Derive the filter mask that corresponds to the double filtering process

3 votes

Border effects / artifacts for spectral filtering of images

3 votes

The Second Derivative of an Image Using the Sobel Filter

3 votes

How is the inverse Fourier transform of a Hermitian-symmetric input efficiently calculated?

3 votes

Any good alternatives of ImageJ (Fiji)?

3 votes

Hand written DFT vs MATLAB FFT has flipped conjugates?

3 votes

Why Wiener filter is not optimal?

3 votes

Interpreting N in DFT as the Number of Points vs. Number of Intervals

3 votes

ringing artifacts using FFT-based gaussian blurring

3 votes

Calculating the numerical gradient of a volume in one direction at a time

3 votes

From Uniform to 2D gaussian

2 votes

Double Threshold Mechanism

2 votes

Error due to downsampling an image

2 votes

Is the first derivative operation on a signal a causal system?