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16 votes

How to implement Polyphase filter?

I assume that the Polyphase filter shown in the paper is used as a decimator such that the output rate is an integer fraction of the input rate (and this would make sense in a correlation operation ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
4 votes

How to implement Polyphase filter?

The technique in the paper may be misnamed (or does not fit the normal use of polyphase filtering for resampling). Normally when a window is made shorter than the FFTs length (by zero-padding, etc.), ...
hotpaw2's user avatar
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4 votes

The z factor in polyphase decomposition

The polyphase components of $h[n]$ are $$e_k[n]=h[Mn+k]\tag{1}$$ Note that if $h[n]$ starts at $n=0$, then so do all polyphase components $e_k[n]$. In order to get back the original sequence $h[n]$ ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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4 votes

The z factor in polyphase decomposition

These relationships are known as the multirate Noble Identities where in general you can change the order of an upsampling and delays if you change the exponent of the delay elements appropriately. (...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
4 votes

Polyphase Decimation Filter parallel inputs

Problem Statement and Bottom Line of Solution As described, the OP wishes to channelize the input bandwidth that extends from DC to fs/2 (f = 0 to +1.25 GHz) into four channels each having one quarter ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
4 votes

Efficient parallelized polyphase decimation FIR filter

Assume you do a polyphase decomposition into $M$ shorter filters, because that's really the best you can do in exploiting the decimation properties of your system. Your $M$ shorter filters are just ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
4 votes

What is the difference of each frequency response of partial filters in a polyphase method

The short answer is the polyphase filter converts a low pass filter into a series of all pass filters each with a different time delay. So it is a series of delays at even fractions of the time ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
4 votes

Polyphase FFT example implementation

If you only have N points you cannot do better than an N point FFT does. What the polyphase does is to collect more data ...
Bob's user avatar
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Upsampling with time offsets

Answer: You will see residual images of $X(f)$ at multiples $f_s$, $2f_s$ and $3f_s$, and distorted image of $X(f)$ at non-zero multiples of $4f_s$, when sampling in the manner you explained. ...
DSP Rookie's user avatar
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3 votes

Polyphase filter bank channelizer FFT or IFFT

Forward DFT and Inverse DFT are quite similar transforms related by the following: Let $x[n]$ be a length $N$ sequence, $X_f[k]$ be its N-point forward DFT, and $x_i[k]$ be its N-point inverse DFT : (...
Fat32's user avatar
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3 votes

The z factor in polyphase decomposition

Note that the delay in the figure $4.37$ does not represent a commutation of delay $z^{-k}$ and an expander, but a commutation of delay $z^{-k}$ and polyhase branch filter $E_k(z^M)$ which is an LTI ...
Fat32's user avatar
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3 votes

Polyphase Filter decomposition. It is not working

The following is a working code that uses 32-component polyphase decomposition of the associated 32-channel anslysis and synthesis filterbanks. As I have already commented, the speed gain is not ...
Fat32's user avatar
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3 votes

Relative Computational Complexity for Channelizer Implementations

For sufficiently long filters, it's usually more efficient to implement the individual filters as FFT-based fast convolution, indeed! Now, whether something is faster than something else really doesn'...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

How to implement Polyphase filter?

You can use this code to perform tests (for Matlab or Octave). This basically writes down two sinusoids, and analyzes them following the very procedure as in
Michelangelo's user avatar
2 votes

Fractional Delay using Polyphase Filter

Since the question was how to specifically implement this with a polyphase filter, I offer the following: Such a true polyphase filter structure could be done by designing the base FIR filter with 9*...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
2 votes

Fractional Delay using Polyphase Filter

Just sample a Sinc function at the appropriate phase offset, and truncate the FIR as needed to meet your rectangular window length requirement. You only need 1 phase for a constant delay while ...
hotpaw2's user avatar
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2 votes

Implementation of CIC filter using floating point

Heh. I've just worked this out, and I think you can implement a CIC using floating point -- but it wouldn't be perfect, and in most processing environments it would be a waste of resources. The basic ...
TimWescott's user avatar
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2 votes

Use of DFT for Decimating Channelizers

As explained in detail at this post, an N-point DFT is functionally a bank of $N$ unity gain coefficient filters ("moving average" filters), each centered on $f_s/N$ where $f_s$ is the ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
2 votes

doppler tolerant phase coded waveforms

You should really read this paper, Phase Coded Waveforms for Radar, on doppler tolerance and phase coded waveforms. I'll summarize section 5 on doppler intolerance for phase coded waveforms. PC ...
Baddioes's user avatar
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doppler tolerant phase coded waveforms

The ambiguity diagram is used to analyze the result of pulse compression when receiving a Doppler-shifted version of the original waveform. I am not sure why you want to avoid the ambiguity diagram ...
Envidia's user avatar
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Implementation of CIC filter using floating point

See this post from Robert Bristow-Johnson, I think he posts on this stack exchange group by the way. This post is about moving-average ...
Ben's user avatar
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Direct and Transpose Polyphase Multirate Processing

The antialiasing filters here are FIR so there's no difference in the order of operations. If they were IIR there would be implications, see NUMERICAL ROBUSTNESS OF TDF-II. I think the classical ...
ZiglioUK's user avatar
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Polyphase filter bank channelizer FFT or IFFT

To start with, XAPP1161's developers re-use, for their transmitter and receiver blocks, the objects dsp.ChannelSynthesis and dsp.Channelizer, respectively. These are objects of MATLAB's DSP System ...
V.V.T's user avatar
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Polyphase filter bank channelizer FFT or IFFT

Sorry, I didn't read the paper so this is just a guess. FFT and IFFT are almost identical algorithms so it really makes no sense to code up both in an FPGA. Just use $$F^{-1} (x) = F(x')/N, \\ F(x) = ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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1 vote

Decimating Polyphase Filter in Simulink

For starters, there are Simulink blocks that support polyphase filtering, such as this one If you still want to design your own block in ...
Ben's user avatar
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Decimating Polyphase Filter in Simulink

Just to follow up on this, I believe I figured out one way to do what I was looking for shown below...if anyone has any other ideas feel free to share too
Samuel's user avatar
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How to perform convolution using polyphase structure

I am not quite sure, if i understand you question properly, it would be better if you ask with detail and maybe with a figure, nevertheless if you want convolution of co-efficents of the transfer ...
BandW's user avatar
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Coherent averaging of polyphase components of a signal

Yes. Simply sum all the polyphase outputs and the sum result will have higher resolution. Consider that each polyphase output is a delayed version of the same signal, so that if you commutated ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
1 vote

What is the threshold to prefer polyphase channelizer over FIR filtering?

A polyphase channelizer is not a special kind of filter. It is a structure that works well when using filters in multi rate settings. Polyphase is a sampling rate conversion method that leads to ...
Edward Kigwana's user avatar
1 vote

Polyphase components Spectrum formula in Discrete time

Let's start with your equation. $$ P_k\left( e^{j\Omega} \right) = \frac{1}{L} e^{jk\Omega/L} \sum_{p=0}^{L-1} e^{-2 \pi j k p / L} H\left( e^{j(\Omega-2\pi p)/L} \right) $$ Do a little rearranging....
Cedron Dawg's user avatar
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