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5 votes

What is so special about this filter coef = [1,2,1]?

It is a symmetric odd-sized FIR smoothing kernel, belonging to the class of Pascal or binomial filters that somehow sample a Gaussian kernel. Plus, its coefficients are simple dyadic integers, that ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
5 votes

What's the difference between a DSP and microcontroller?

a Digital Signal Processor is one that has, in its instruction set, some instructions and addressing modes that are optimized for processing digital signals. usually these optimizations can be shown ...
robert bristow-johnson's user avatar
5 votes

DSP with 8+ inputs for simple beamforming

8+ high quality inputs for beamfroming and "...beginner friendly..." are competing requirements. There will soon be the audioinjector which attaches on Raspberry Pi and would be a relatively ...
A_A's user avatar
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Problems with implementation of a band-stop filter on an MCU (dsPIC) using fixed-point arithmetic

The denominator (recursive coefficients Ai) look OK: the poles of your system are at 45 degree angles ($\pi/4$), with magnitude 0.68 (which is not very aggressive for a notch filter; in my opinion ...
Juancho's user avatar
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How can define an indicator which measures the degree of similarity between two signals?

The general topic of finding similarities between signals is wide ranging: are the signals of same sampling, length, offset, shift or scale? where do they take their values (discrete, real, complex)?...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
5 votes

Career in signal processing

I myself recently graduated from Applied Mathematics and began PhD in signal processing. I do Stochastic Geometry modeling of wireless networks in particular, which is quite mathematical subject. It ...
Mundo's user avatar
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5 votes

Computing phase difference between two sinusoidal signals

The phase between the sine waves can be computed as suggested, at any sampling rate as long as it is greater than twice the sum of the frequency of the sine waves. Further the result is sensitive to ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
4 votes

How can define an indicator which measures the degree of similarity between two signals?

assuming finite power signals: $$ \lVert x \rVert^2 \triangleq \lim_{N \to \infty} \ \frac{1}{2N+1} \sum\limits_{n=-N}^{+N} \big|x[n] \big|^2 \ < +\infty $$ this is a Hilbert Space sorta thingie. ...
robert bristow-johnson's user avatar
4 votes

How can define an indicator which measures the degree of similarity between two signals?

if you are searching for similarity between two signals in frequency domain, you can go for coherence. Coherence indicates frequency components common to both signals
Akanksha 's user avatar
4 votes

What applications do DSP processors primarily target?

For example, if I'm doing audio processing, wouldn't I just be better off using x86 since that has a larger install base? "Larger" is a good word for the x86. It needs a larger space claim ...
TimWescott's user avatar
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3 votes

SNR of a 16-bit DSP with 12-bit ADC, 40-bit accumulator

Let me add the following additional important consideration to dynamic range on the ADC side of the equation to the other answer provided. The SNR as characterized with a full scale sine wave for a ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
3 votes

What is so special about this filter coef = [1,2,1]?

It is the adjacent average of the adjacent average. $$ x1[n] = ( x0[n] + x0[n-1] ) / 2 $$ $$ x2[n] = ( x1[n] + x1[n-1] ) / 2 $$ $$ x2[n] = ( ( x0[n] + x0[n-1] ) / 2 + ( x0[n-1] + x0[n-2] ) / 2 ) / ...
Cedron Dawg's user avatar
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What's the difference between a DSP and microcontroller?

They are not disjoint sets, as some contemporary microcontrollers SOCs contain DSPs. The DSP cores are usually designed to execute certain computational algorithms with deterministic latencies and ...
hotpaw2's user avatar
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3 votes

Relative Computational Complexity for Channelizer Implementations

For sufficiently long filters, it's usually more efficient to implement the individual filters as FFT-based fast convolution, indeed! Now, whether something is faster than something else really doesn'...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
3 votes

What does 'canonical' mean?

To put it simply, a system is called canonical when number of delay elements in a block diagram representation is same as the order of that system. You can get further details over TYPES OF ...
Pujitha Patnaik's user avatar
3 votes

Basic Understanding of Convolution Operation

Since $y[n-n_0] = y[n] \ast \delta [n - n_0]$ and convolution is both associative and distributive, is it not the case that $$ y[n-n_0] = \left(x[n] \ast r[n] \right) \ast \delta[n-n_0] = x[n] \ast r[...
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
3 votes

general purpose microprocessor vs DSP(digital signal processor)?

On a basic level, in my opinion, a DSP chip must, as a minimum requirement, be able to optimally perform the convolution summation used to compute the output of an FIR filter. $$ y[n] = \sum\limits_{k=...
robert bristow-johnson's user avatar
3 votes

Why SRS signalling is used in 5g?

Because DMRS is only sent if there is data to transmit and, therefore, narrowband while SRS, as the term sounding suggests, is not associated to any data transmission and also wideband. For example, ...
AlexTP's user avatar
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Confusion understanding digital signal processor?

The staple processor instruction of specialized DSP processors is a multiply-accumulate instruction. The vector multiplication and summation are performed in a single command fetch, it's a sort of ...
V.V.T's user avatar
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Confusion understanding digital signal processor?

Real Time means having time-limit or time-constraint to complete assigned processing. For example : If you are using a DSP processor in the receive chain of a Communication system with certain Symbol ...
DSP Rookie's user avatar
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Confusion understanding digital signal processor?

DSP algorithm implementations (software coding) are easiest when your microprocessor has an FPU hardware, but it's also possible with integer (fixed-point) ALUs too. This means that your ...
Fat32's user avatar
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3 votes

Options for DSP hardware for Under Grad Lab?

I think using a Raspberry PI or Arduino (without ADCs or DACs) has no advantage over using just a PC with Matlab or Python. The thing that separates DSP hardware from "normal" processors is ...
Benjamin's user avatar
3 votes

Designing an FIR filter with Gain = 1 on TI DSP processor

If I understand correctly, you are doing a 16 bit fixed-point FIR filter with coefficients equal to 1. If all other coefficients are smaller than 1, the solution will be very simple. Since multiplying ...
ZR Han's user avatar
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STM32F7 Discovery board vs dsp kit tms320c6713 vs Rasberry Pi?

Typically a DSP lab should better include both a Raspberry pi and an STM32F7x interacting with each other. Raspberry Pi is a mini PC. It uses an ARM based multicore CPU at GHz range (with FPU) and ...
Fat32's user avatar
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3 votes

Energy as mean of absolutes of data samples

Power and Energy estimation can and is done using mean of absolute values, or alternatively the mean of the magnitudes, due to the simplification it provides over "True-RMS" measurements ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
3 votes

Are all pass filters stable?

Are all pass filters stable? No. Allpass filters have the same stability criteria as any other IIR filters: the poles need to be inside the unit circle. The pole is located at $z=2$ which is outside ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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2 votes

Intuitive explanation of cross-correlation in frequency domain

This can be confusing. I like Jason R's explanation, but found some code useful. Given two random complex column vectors x and y ...
pheon's user avatar
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