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9 votes

Taking audio frequency and picking out peaks (Peak Detection)

I found the answer finally. I found a great article that explains many different libraries that can be utilized for peak detection. I now have the peaks I am really interested in, and can now create ...
Johan Steyn's user avatar
6 votes

How would you use machine learning for peak detection?

To be honest, I don't think CNNs, RNNs and LSTM are useful for this kind of problem – a bandpass filter followed by a threshold would be. Now, that would have three parameters: Lower cutoff ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
4 votes

Envelope reconstruction algorithm for audio processing

I would recommend a streaming RMS detector. The standard approach for computing a streaming RMS detector is to square the input samples and then apply these to a 1st-order lowpass filter. If you want ...
Bob's user avatar
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4 votes

How do you do signal averaging on a realtime data?

@Greyfrog. Here are the descriptions of four different kinds of averaging operations:
Richard Lyons's user avatar
4 votes

Easy way of calculating peak to peak voltage of an AC voltage wave

it is scaled down This really depends on HOW the scaling is implemented. Please make sure this is done SAFELY (through in isolation transformer or something like this). 220V can do serious damage to ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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4 votes

Easy way of calculating peak to peak voltage of an AC voltage wave

I would agree with the OP's concerns that the given approach is not best since it is most sensitive to noise. It is reading the absolute peak to peak value, which includes the underlying "truth&...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
3 votes

What does this block operator mean?

It symbolizes the input-output characteristic of a half-wave rectifier, which only passes positive input signals: $$y(t)=\begin{cases}x(t),&x(t)>0\\0,&x(t)\le 0\end{cases}$$
Matt L.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Detect Peaks and Signal Jump

I don't recommand that you use a simple derivative. It's not a robust method, especially when there's noise or when the changes that you want to detect are spread on many samples. There are 2 on-line ...
Ben's user avatar
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3 votes

How would you use machine learning for peak detection?

Yes, you can apply deep learning to peak detection. A 1D CNN would be appropriate for this task. Here is an example for such application: Risum, Anne Bech, and Rasmus Bro. "Using deep learning to ...
Rafi Ravid's user avatar
3 votes

Multiple peaks in a same signal?

is it ok to showcase this diagram ? Sorry, we can't tell you this. This is really a function of your specific application, the physics behind your signal, and how you exactly define "peak". ...
Hilmar's user avatar
  • 48.2k
3 votes

(Radiation) Pulse detection and height characterization when pulses are stacked

Can you use deconvolution to convert these decaying impulses back into impulses? Proof of concept: ...
endolith's user avatar
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3 votes

How to check if a signal is mainly composed of a few impulse peaks?

You can use kurtosis as a measure of how 'peaky' your signal is. Or the flatness measure, which is the ratio of the geometric mean of the signal to its arithmetic mean. Any signal which is not ...
orchi_d's user avatar
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3 votes

True Peak detection II

I think you are suffering needlessly here. This is a well known problem with an equally well known solution. Below is the code for up sampling by 4 with a 32 tap FIR filter. The error for the worst ...
Hilmar's user avatar
  • 48.2k
2 votes

Threshold for peak detection of noisy signal in frequency domain

This is a pretty common problem in radar signal processing. Typically, we’ll use what’s called a CFAR detector (constant false alarm rate). This essentially boils down to a non-linear smoothing filter ...
vintagevogue's user avatar
2 votes

Estimate peak width from a vector that is a superposition of unknown number of identical Gaussian peaks with different heights?

My first comment would be why the heck are you using R if you are concerned with processing speed, or are you just prototyping algorithms? Anyway, Without getting into how I derived it, here is a ...
Cedron Dawg's user avatar
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2 votes

Estimate peak width from a vector that is a superposition of unknown number of identical Gaussian peaks with different heights?

Ha just figured out a faster and better method just using BIC-optimized selection of optimal peak width, using a banded covariate matrix with shifted Gaussian peak shapes of given width & using ...
Tom Wenseleers's user avatar
2 votes

Checking for VHF pulse with SDR and python

As far as the big picture goes, I assume you want to do both optimal detection of pulses and then tracking of the transmitters based on the detections you receive. This answer will only deal with ...
Andy Walls's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I get the uncertainties for peaks on an image?

One way is to simply model each peak with a Gaussian, with mean $\mu_i$ and variance $\sigma_i$. In fact what you mean by uncertainty corresponds to the variance. You can iteratively fit Gaussians ...
Tolga Birdal's user avatar
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2 votes

How Hessian feature detector works?

For another perspective on using $\mathcal{H}$, remember that the first derivatives ($I_{x}, I_{y}$) are the slope at a point, and tell how strongly an image is changing in the $x$ or $y$ direction. ...
Scott Staniewicz's user avatar
2 votes

Extract breaths from respiratory signal, i.e. peak detection

I have a slick trick which may do what you want. Do an exponential smoothing in the forward direction, call it F. Do an exponential smoothing in the backard direction, call it B. Take the ...
Cedron Dawg's user avatar
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2 votes

Detection of sharp peaks in an audio signal

"Sharp peaks" in the time domain translates to high frequency content. Your simple algorithm of min and max values would be improved by first passing your data through a high pass filter - otherwise ...
multicode's user avatar
2 votes

Envelope reconstruction algorithm for audio processing

As I said in a comment, you can get the envelope of a signal by running it through a lowpass filter. The steps required for this (usually) are Go through all the samples (x(N) ) and check for ...
dsp_user's user avatar
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2 votes

Using Neural Network for locating shifting resonant frequencies

Is it possible for a neural network to 'detect'/'pick out' these frequency values? Yes, that sounds generally possible. There's the Universal Approximation Theorem that says that a sufficiently large ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Why is peak detection in chromatography not completely automatic?

This is a problem we are also currently working on (added two recently published papers below), because we found it unresolved yet, and high-throughput experiments nowadays require more automated high-...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
2 votes

What are some really accurate ways to get the value of a peak (local maximum) given some points around it? (To be used for autocorrelation peaks.)

Assuming the autocorrelation of a sufficiently long piece of sinusoidal signal has a good SNR (which it probably will), yes, that quadratic interpolation is quite good, as the sinc (which is actually ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Spectral peak location estimation using complex DFT

I admit that I failed my first attempt. The text suggests that we would take $g(m) = am^2 + b m + c$, interpolating $g(k) = X(k+l)$, for $k \in \{-1, 0, 1\}$, interpolating this would give us ...
Bob's user avatar
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2 votes

How to check if a signal is mainly composed of a few impulse peaks?

This is a question that I have been pondering for a while. I have not obtained a clear solution yet, here are a couple of thoughts, towards metrics based on sparsity proxies and noise estimators. ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
2 votes

Beep Signal for Latency Calculation

Doing this acoustically will be very difficult. You could try a pulse train or short noise burst and then cross correlate the received signals. This being said, the room will generate a lot of echoes ...
Hilmar's user avatar
  • 48.2k
2 votes

Easy way of calculating peak to peak voltage of an AC voltage wave

For a pure sinusoid wave, $A sin({\omega}t) $ the RMS value is $ V_{RMS} = \frac{A}{\sqrt(2)} $ While the peak-to-peak value is $V_{pk-pk} = 2A$ With these 2 relations you can find the RMS value from ...
Ben's user avatar
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