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Questions tagged [symbol-energy]

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"Best" energy efficiency via capacity of uncoded BPSK AWGN

I have numerically approximated the capacity of an uncoded, binary uniform input, real AWGN BPSK channel versus the SNR using mutual information and entropy, via Gauss-hermite quadrature. My task is ...
Scarab's user avatar
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Es/N0 calculation on received symbols

What is the proper way to calculate the Es/N0 of demodulated and equalized symbols in simulation for BPSK and QPSK? I have seen various examples that include calculating the standard deviation of the ...
BigBrownBear00's user avatar
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How do I set GNU Radio Es/No?

I am trying to create a random signal in GNU Radio (using DVB-S2 specs for the physical layer) and transmit this signal using a USRP X310. This is shown below: Problem: I would like to be able to ...
Matthew Hilts's user avatar
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Energy per symbol calculation

I am having trouble calculating my Energy per symbol and Es/No. Using these parameters and equation $N_s = $Number Symbols $R_s = $Symbol Rate $T_s = $Symbol Time $sps = $samples per symbol x = signal ...
Natalie Johnson's user avatar
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Calculating SNR & Es/No and placing noise onto a signal

I have a signal power of -12 dBW from a 16 QAM signal after the first RRC. I want to create a channel SNR of 30 dB I calculate my noise power from this, i.e. its -42 dBW and make the noise to add to ...
Natalie Johnson's user avatar
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Calculating $E_b/N_0$ from given SNR ratio

I have the following formula: $$\frac{S}{N}=\frac{E_b \cdot R_b}{N_0 \cdot B }$$ Where $S/N$ is of course SNR in dB, $E_b$ is energy per information bit, $ R_b$ is information bit rate in [bit/s], $...
MagicMan's user avatar
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Es/N0 with roll-off

I was trying to figure out if the relationship between SNR and Es/N0 changes with roll-off factor. $W$: RF bandwidth. $B$: Base band bandwidth. $W = 2B$. $E_s$: Symbol energy. $P_s$: Symbol power. $...
MaLog's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between Average energy of transmission and power saving

As mentioned in many books, the average energy of transmitted symbol is given by: $E_s = (2/3)(M - 1) $ where $M$ indicated the modulation order. Suppose that we are using in the first scenario $...
Gze's user avatar
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Bits - symbols mapping in M-PAM beginner question

I am trying to implement a M-PAM modulator in Matlab without using the built-in functions. I am confused when it comes to the symbols-bits mapping. Say I have a sequence of bits: ...
JimS's user avatar
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Determine minimum distance between two symbols in 16-QAM using the average symbol energy

If the probability of bit error for a square M-ary QAM is $P_M = (1-(1-P_\sqrt{M})^2)$ where $P_\sqrt{M} = 2(1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{M}})Q(\sqrt{\frac{3E_s}{(M-1)N_0}})$ and $E_s$ is the average symbol ...
Anna Clarke's user avatar