Linked Questions

10 votes
1 answer

Compensating Loudspeaker frequency response in an audio signal

I have been working on a project in which I was required to work on the audio signals recorded from the loudspeaker kept in front of a filter. So, to simply explain it: $$\boxed{\rm LoudSpeaker} \...
Styal's user avatar
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5 votes
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Simulation of a Frequency ramp

This might be an easy one! Please preface your answer with spoiler notation by typing the following two characters first ">!" Given the following equation that describes a cosine wave as a function ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

The FFT of a sine wave with varying frequency and constant amplitude does not show a plateau, why?

I want to use python to see what the audio response of a speaker is. This would be done by comparing the output of the speaker measured with a microphone to the given input. That means that for both ...
Tido's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Get the room impulse response by using inverse filter of sin sweep signal

I want to simulate the process of obtaining the impulse response of a room. What I did: Generate a room impulse response sequence by using the python module: ...
tx510's user avatar
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Magnitude Spectrum of a Linear Chirp Signal

I am trying to understand intuitively the fft of a signal that changes in frequency in time. Suppose I have the fft of a linear chirp signal sampled at 1 kHz for 2 seconds. The instantaneous frequency ...
Fer-de-lance's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does this transfer function estimation not work? System identification

Goal: I have an unknow dynmical system $G(s)$ and I want to find it from measurement data, output $y(t)$ and input $u(t)$. The data is frequency responses. Method: I begun first with creating the ...
euraad's user avatar
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What's the complex chirp signal?

I have a question. Why a chirp signal has the Fresnel ripples in slobes? I thought it has the equal amount of frequencies from lowerband to high band, so we should see the flat magnitude. Is that ...
John's user avatar
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Why is an imaginary part in the output of my time-domain resposne of real input?

I have measurements of a transfer function $H(f)$ in the frequency domain between 1-6 GHz. I also have an input signal, which is pulsed chirp $x(t)$. The goal is to build the time-domain response of ...
Reza Afra's user avatar
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DDS generated chirp and antialiasing filter : what is the best suited filter for a chirp?

I am defining the required antialiasing (analog) filter for a chirp generated by a DDS. The chirp is produced in a FPGA (NCO generation) and forwarded to the DAC for the samples generation (with ...
AtoM_84's user avatar
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Sweep synthesis in frequency domain: How to correctly adjust magnitude?

I'm attempting to synthesize a logarithmic sweep signal to measure the IR of a system. For the most part, I'm following Section 5.2 of the paper Transfer Function Measurement with Sweeps. To generate ...
701's user avatar
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1 vote
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Match an Equalizer Curve

I’ve passed a sine sweep wave file into an equalizer plugin I have, now I want to model it in matlab so that I can ‘copy’ the equalizer setting sound. I’ve both in.wav and out.wav audio files and ...
Alex Lisi's user avatar
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Chirp pulse train FFT

I'm trying to understand why the Fourier transform of a chirp pulse train looks the way it does. I will attach the result I get in MATLAB at the end of the question. I tried to develop analytically ...
Student2222's user avatar
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Advice on generating stable FMCW waveform

I am trying to derive parameters for a triangular FMCW waveform such that the phase of the signal has consistency from one period to the next. Perhaps this is arbitrary and feel free to tell me so, ...
not_fogarty's user avatar
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Inferring a response from the Analytic Signal

I have a slowly varying sinusoidal system. The output is separated using methods that produce a real signal $x(t)$ and quadrature component $y(t)$ such that $x(t)$ represents the real physical value ...
Eli S's user avatar
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Frequency Modulation - Demodulation - Distorted frequency shape

I am interested in the effect frequency modulation has on the signal. I am using an acousto-optic deflector to steer a laser beam. The deflector receives a Radio-frequency (RF) signal (~100 MHz, sine-...
kai90's user avatar
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