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7 votes

Estimate and Track the Amplitude, Frequency and Phase of a Sine Signal Using a Kalman Filter

We can build a non linear dynamic model in order to estimate the parameters of a sine signal. Let's model the signal as $ a \sin \left( \phi \right) $ where $ \phi $ is the instantaneous phase. So the ...
Royi's user avatar
  • 20.5k
6 votes

Kalman Filter Motion model with moving sensors

I find the discussion of the "Converted Measurement Kalman Filter" in "Multitarget-Multisensor Tracking: Principles and Techniques", 1995, by Yaakov Bar-Shalom and Xiao-Rong Li to ...
Steve Gilbert's user avatar
5 votes

Transfer function of a PLL Loop Filter that can support a linearly increasing (chirping) frequency

To track a frequency ramp with a Phase lock loop, with zero steady state error requires a type 3 PLL Loop; which means three integrations (DC Poles) in the open loop gain (your NCO would be one of the ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
4 votes

How to choose the "best" measurment (from a given set) as input for a kalman filter?

Question: Which parameter is suitable to indicate how "good" the measurement fits to the Kalman filter? To estimate a quality of association you can use likelihood function. The likelihood ...
Gluttton's user avatar
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3 votes

How Are Unmeasured Properties (Velocity and Covariance of Velocity) Handled with a Kalman Filter?

But what does the overall covariance matrix of the measurements look like where velocity is unmeasured? That's a meaningless question -- if you're really not measuring velocity, then by definition it ...
TimWescott's user avatar
  • 13.3k
2 votes

How to reliably detect the state (opened or closed) of sliding doors from a statically-positioned video stream

To better deal with occlusions, my idea would be to separate this problem into detecting if: the 1st door is in position fully opened (1) the 1st door is in position fully closed (2) the 2nd door is ...
Dark Sinus's user avatar
2 votes

What is the name for a constant-heading Kalman filter model for vehicle tracking?

I think the magic acronym is CHCV, "constant heading constant velocity". This returns at least a few results on Google.
Kerrick Staley's user avatar
2 votes

GPS signal tracking

There are lots of examples on the web for GPS signal tracking at baseband. Look for "SoftGNSS" on GitHub. As far as converting from complex baseband to real IF, it's the opposite as what ...
ZiglioUK's user avatar
  • 186
2 votes

Taylor series expansion in mean shift tracking

For $y\approx y_0$ you have $$\begin{align}\sqrt{p_m(y)q_m}&\approx\sqrt{p_m(y_0)q_m}+\frac{p_m(y)-p_m(y_0)}{2\sqrt{p_m(y_0)}}\sqrt{q_m}\\&=\frac12\sqrt{p_m(y_0)q_m}+\frac12 p_m(y)\sqrt{\frac{...
Matt L.'s user avatar
  • 92.5k
2 votes

Kalman Filter Motion model with moving sensors

If the paths of the sensors are unknown and unknowable, and if a set of sensor readings does not let you determine enough about the sensor's position to get sufficient information about the position ...
TimWescott's user avatar
  • 13.3k
2 votes

Detecting & tracking an arbitrary object in a video

If all you want to do is to isolate* and track objects that have some contrast against the background, then the key phrase you want to search on is "object tracking", "video tracking&...
TimWescott's user avatar
  • 13.3k
2 votes

Friendly target identification in radar

Every system will be different, so it’s impossible to make a blanket statement that applies to everything, but IFF systems can be used to accomplish the task. The signal processing here can be as ...
vintagevogue's user avatar
1 vote

How does gps signal acquisition and tracking work for multiple satellite signals?

Will there be 4 different circuits on the receiver? There's going to be a correlator bank, yes. Probably more than 4, which run fast enough so that you can correlate with the as many sequences as you ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
1 vote

SAR and ISAR sampling time

For a coherent system that uses the pulse-to-pulse phase change, the PRF needs to meet or exceed the expected Doppler bandwidth of the system. For a SAR imaging the ground, the Doppler bandwidth is ...
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
1 vote

What's the best way of modeling 3d target motion with only 2d angle observations?

So, let's see how to start this. Let's make the states the 3D location and the 3D velocities: $$ \mathbf{x}_k = \left [ x_k\ \dot{x}_k\ y_k\ \dot{y}_k\ z_k\ \dot{z}_k \right ]^T $$ Then, following ...
Peter K.'s user avatar
  • 26k
1 vote

GPS | Retain Signal Tracking after Noise Bound

Now that the OP has clarified in the comments that this is an IF file for beginners I understand the issue. The point is to not be able to demodulate or recognize the individual chips of the GPS PRN ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
1 vote

How Are Unmeasured Properties (Velocity and Covariance of Velocity) Handled with a Kalman Filter?

This is exactly where the Dynamic Model comes into play. The whole idea of the Kalman Filter is that you have a model which connects between variables which are measured to those which are not ...
Royi's user avatar
  • 20.5k
1 vote

How is a Particle Filter used to Estimate Parameters of a State Transition Function?

I suppose I can treat the parameters of the state transition function as the space in which I want to generate the particles ... Is this how it's done with a particle filter? More or less, yes. You'...
TimWescott's user avatar
  • 13.3k
1 vote

Why is beamforming needed in 5G?

One reason is that higher frequencies are envisioned. With higher frequencies, the path loss grows (cf. Friis equation). Also, the wavelength is reduced and thus, $\lambda/2$ radiators start becoming ...
Florian's user avatar
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1 vote

IMU Speed Tracking Through Known Path

You should parameterize the path as a parameter of time. You can do that off line with accurate measurements of the path. Then use Non Linear Least Squares to find the best match between the reads of ...
Royi's user avatar
  • 20.5k
1 vote

Find the Mid Point of a Worm / Chain Like Object

This is a nice question. The trick to solve it, in the path I took, is creating a skeleton from the chain. This is the algorithm I came up with: Create the Skeleton I used MATLAB's ...
Royi's user avatar
  • 20.5k
1 vote

How to reliably detect the state (opened or closed) of sliding doors from a statically-positioned video stream

I think tracking motion of something like corner or handle of the window would work. Consider following procedure: 1. Track the corner of the windwo 2. If position of the corner changes more than X ...
MimSaad's user avatar
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1 vote

How to choose the "best" measurment (from a given set) as input for a kalman filter?

Search for radar plot to track association. There's a lot of algorithms on this subject. To your question: The residual itself will not give you information without its associated covariance matrix ...
Dr. Nir Regev's user avatar
1 vote

Object Tracking with Improved Detector of Objects Similar to Target

I didn't read the paper but let me provide some intuition about object detection and tracking. When you try to track a target in a video, object detection algorithms might not be enough and you need ...
deathiscertainlifeisnot's user avatar

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