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2 votes

GNSS : Code Phase and Carrier Phase Relation

Basically, the only relation is that they're both caused by the distance between transmitter and receiver (and delays, phase shifts). "Code phase" applies the idea of phase (which is ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Simulation of Doppler shift in C/A code

Important update: my previous answer suggested the Doppler affect on the chip clock is insignificant; I made an math error and although likely not visible to the OP over simulations of short time ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
2 votes

Recording two GPS L bands simultaneously with USRP N310

L1 is at 1.57 GHz, L5 at 1.18 GHz. The N310 only has a single RX LO for both RX channels, so you can't tune to both at the same time. The receiver bandwidth is also not large enough, so you can't tune ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

How can I estimate accelerometer bias using a GPS and the Kalman filter?

I'm going to change your notation for (3), so that my answer will be compact enough to fit on one page. Restating your model, $$\vec x_k = \left [ \begin{array}{c|c} \mathbf 1 & \mathbf T \\ \...
TimWescott's user avatar
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1 vote

Evaluation of ADC Selection for GPS Signal Processing with Interference Management

If the received power of an antenna is at -95dBm (-125dBm gps signal + 30dB interference) and the thermal noise with 25MHz signal BW is -175dBm/Hz + 73dBm = -102dBm. Given the information, how can i ...
Shelton Liu's user avatar
1 vote

How does gps signal acquisition and tracking work for multiple satellite signals?

Will there be 4 different circuits on the receiver? There's going to be a correlator bank, yes. Probably more than 4, which run fast enough so that you can correlate with the as many sequences as you ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
1 vote

Extracting raw gps messages with GNSS

It's rather straightforward to see the raw data transmitted from any given GPS Satellite, using the details provided in the GPS Signal Specification (for example: see
Dan Boschen's user avatar
1 vote

Interpretation of a non-canonical Allan Variance plot

The analysis appears to be correct. I reviewed the OP's code and did not see a fault with the process used to compute ADEV on the OP's dataset. Further, I downloaded the OP's code and cross-validated ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
1 vote

Ground based GPS?

Look into latest developments on eLoran now under close review as a reliable augmentation to the GPS system. In contrast to GPS, eLoran is very high power and can penetrate buildings, tunnels and much ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
1 vote

Ground based GPS?

Yes, ground-based GPS transmitters have been a thing since GPS was introduced. Search on "pseudolite" or "GPS pseudolite" ("pseudolite" = "pseudo satellite"). ...
TimWescott's user avatar
  • 13.3k
1 vote

Ground based GPS?

I'm just gonna point out the fact that it only is called a satellite because it orbits a moon, planet or a star. So if your looking for an alternative to a gps system you should search by it with ...
Derteck's user avatar
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