Problem: For an object tracking scenario with multiple objects and multiple tracks, I want to choose the "best" assignment object<->track. Therefore, I need a parameter indicating how suitable an object is for a track. (Each object refers to a measurement and each track is a Kalman filter)
Idea: Given the classical Kalman filter with the matrices state $x$ and measurement transition $H$ We can calculate the residual $y_t$ between the predicted measurement $x_{pred}$ and the measurement $z$ by:
$y_t = z-H x_{pred}$
However, this will be a vector. Is there a general approach to reduce this to one parameter? (e.g distance when having just position information). I assume that some kind of normalisation is needed to get all the residuals for each state in the same range? Building the l2-norm would be my first approach.
Question: Which parameter is suitable to indicate how "good" the measurement fits to the Kalman filter?
Is the residual suitable? If so, how to handle different value ranges, and how to "compress" the vector to just one value?