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6 votes

What kind of modulation is this?

Ok I did some signal forensics on the data capture and believe the modulation is a form of FSK. The FSK modulation was +/- 20 KHz with a data rate of 38 KHz. UPDATE: The OP discovery that this is ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
5 votes

FFT-based coarse carrier recovery for QPSK

A square operation creates an unmodulated tone for a BPSK signal at 2x the carrier frequency (a pure tone for the case that the signal was unfiltered or rectangular pulses with perfect phase and ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
5 votes

Sample rates, Samples per Symbol, and Digital Pulse Shaping

Yes the OP is correct in that you can implement pulse shaping in less than 2 samples per symbol for exactly the reasons that was outlined. However importantly we must also keep in mind having excess ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
5 votes

GNURadio signal degradation *above* Nyquist rate

That is above the Nyquist rate, so why is the signal degraded? It's not degraded in any way form or shape. The perceived degradation is purely cosmetic but not functional. See for example: How is ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I extract data from a gnuradio flowgraph now that the message sinks have been deprecated?

So, the important takeaway from your introduction is that you have an application which needs to get chunks of items out of the flow graph repeatedly. Which means you're in the streaming case. (for ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
4 votes

Pulse shaping with RRC : Number of taps

See pages 5 and 6 and the plots on the following pages specific to number of samples per symbol in this very helpful reference by Ken Gentile on designing RRC pulse shape filters: http://www.analog....
Dan Boschen's user avatar
4 votes

Is Bluetooth Low Energy jamming possible with an SDR like the HackRF on GNURadio?

I am not revealing any big secrets here on jamming and anti-jamming techniques, nor would I condone creating any such interference. What I am about to say is quite simplistic and well known, but ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
4 votes

Clock recovery using Mueller and Muller adds noise affecting EVM or SNR (Two cases - GNU Radio & Python code)

Unlike the Gardner Loop, the M&M synchronizer should be performed after the RRC filter in the receiver for best performance. With cases of high RRC alpha, the M&M won't work as expected ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
3 votes

GNU Radio | Packet Encoder/Decoder | Unwanted bytes added to the transmitted stream

Packet Encoder and Decoder are broken; they drop data. That's why they are in the deprecated category (for years now!). We've removed them, because as a project, GNU Radio has not been able to fix ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
3 votes

PLL phase and frequency characteristics

Before I address your questions, you should understand: a. the integral branch of the loop filter maintains a average phase increment in units of radians/sample. It is not a frequency value, though ...
Andy Walls's user avatar
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3 votes

am I recording LTE uplink signals?

There's a lot of different domains of knowledge coming together here, so I'll split my answer into multiple sections, each answering an implicit question that you raise in your explicit question. Hope ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
3 votes

How to adjust receiver gains to avoid saturation and quantization noise to optimise post digital processing?

This is a great question and comes down to the AGC design and optimizing the available dynamic range on the ADC, given a receiver minimum SNR, sensitivity and interference rejection requirements. I ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
3 votes

Symbol Synchronization for GFSK/FSK signals in GNU Radio

The Symbol Synchronizer block is a PLL-based synchronizer that is trying to estimate the symbol clock period and symbol clock phase (aka timing offset) based on the samples coming in that represent ...
Andy Walls's user avatar
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3 votes

Cosine of amplitude 1 but GNU Radio shows FFT has amplitude > 30,000

Consider the formula for the DFT (which the FFT efficiently computes as an algorithm): $$X(k) = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1}x(n)e^{-j2\pi nk/N}$$ Notice that it is a summation over $N$ samples total. Also note ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
3 votes

Source IO size "8" does not match sink IO size "4"

Double click your "Signal Source" to open its property dialog Change the "output type" from "complex" to "float" Click "OK" Now you should be good.
BH4DCL Jony's user avatar
3 votes

How do I Correlation Estimate both for a pattern and its inverse in GNU Radio?

Map 0 to 1 and 1 to -1 on both the reference sequence and the received bit sequence, and then correlate; an inversion will also just invert the sign. If that mapping is hard to do on the received ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Avoiding DC spike while decoding FSK signal

That looks very nice: I don't 100% agree with your phrasing on this one: however, my quadrature demod is capturing large amounts of noise during the idle periods. Well, the quadrature demod ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Better way to mute fundamental baseband frequency?

To mute the fundamental frequency, consider using a notch filter such as the one shown in the figure below, where $\omega_n =2\pi 60/f_s$, where $f_s$ is your sampling rate, and $\alpha$ is chosen ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
2 votes

How does transition width of a low-pass filter affect a message which is well within the pass-band?

For an FIR filter there are 3 main components that determine the filter length for equiripple designs: Passband ripple Stopband attenuation level Transition width (Width from the edge of the passband ...
David's user avatar
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2 votes

Why am I seeing a negative frequency on FFT graph in Gnu Radio Companion?

The stock FFT (in GNU radio?) is a complex-to-complex transform. Thus any positive frequency peak you see represents a complex signal (phasor) that can include both real and imaginary components. ...
hotpaw2's user avatar
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2 votes

GNU Radio loop bandwidth normalization

I can only answer your second question: "How can the loop bandwidth in GNU Radio synchronization be configured as a percentage of the symbol rate?" The tracking loop in the symbol synchronizer block ...
Andy Walls's user avatar
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2 votes

Communication between two USRP : mismatched spectra between transmission and reception

A few (hopefully useful) comments and ideas: The HackRF One is not a USRP. If you're receiving with an NI 2921 USRP, you should be using UHD to interface with it, not osmocom. Use a standalone ...
MBaz's user avatar
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2 votes

How can an SDR recover a high-frequency signal?

The high-frequency (RF) section of an SDR is all analog. Typically, the analog receiver downconverts the RF signal to an intermediate frequency that is within the Nyquist range of the ADC. As Stanley ...
MBaz's user avatar
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2 votes

GNU Radio GMSK modulator

Let's say you want to filter a signal $x[n]$ through a Gaussian filter with impulse response $h_g[n]$ and a Moving Average (the "sqwave") filter with impulse response $h_s[n]$. Then the resulting ...
Andy Walls's user avatar
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2 votes

I wish to create a GNU Radio program in C++ that doesn't need GRC or Python, is there a reference or template for this?

you can create flowgraph in c++ like gqrx and i think GNU Radio Manual and C++ API Reference documents will help you. This is gnuradio c++ document for top_block if you could not use it let me know to ...
FONQRI's user avatar
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2 votes

Record Signal after Threshold Reach in GNU Radio

Sounds like you have a very workable approach: Write a GNU Radio, Embedded Python, out-of-tree Python or C++, doesn't matter, which: is a general block (not a ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Why samples per symbols $\geq 2$ in the GNURadio Constellation Modulator block?

The GNURadio Constellation modulator enforces a minimum of 2 Samples Per Symbol mostly due to simplicity and some practical reasons. Theoretically, if you're just transmitting PSK without any pulse ...
user67081's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I create my IF signal on SDR before bringing data to PC?

I think the formula you got the 1m resolution from is actually the one for pulse radars with non-interpolating single pulses. You can do better! Note that in (linear-chirp) FMCW, the beat frequency, i....
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

GNU Radio Companion - generating a 4-QAM constellation - how to do it?

I then have a Chunks To Symbol block, where I arbitrarily have these following values for the Symbol Table [(-0.707 -0.707j), (0.707 -0.707j), (0.707 + 0.707j), (-0.707 + 0.707j)]. Sounds pretty ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Fractional Resampler - GNU Radio

"Phase shift" is poor terminology as time delay is not exactly the same, but the significance of the 0 to 1 factor is a fractional delay in units of samples. The filter itself will always ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar

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