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6 votes

What wavelength do we use when calculating the array manifold vector when transmitting LFM waveforms?

As with many questions like depends. We won't concentrate on LFM waveforms, the following is true for any waveform transmitted. Virtually all of the introductory material to steering a ...
Envidia's user avatar
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6 votes

Why does frequency sweeping double the frequency?

You're calculating the parameters into the sinusoid incorrectly. By simply plugging in a linear frequency ramp into the sinusoid, you do not get the appropriate quadratic phase that is needed to ...
Envidia's user avatar
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5 votes

Circular Convolution and FFT of power 2

Circular convolution is just linear convolution aliased by DFT length $n$. The length of linear convolution of $a$ and $b$ will be $2n-1$. So take $FFTs$ of $a$ and $b$ , padding each of them to ...
jithin's user avatar
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Complex nature of chirped signal

Depending on the context, the use of the complex form could be for mathematical convenience or for a no-kidding need for both real and imaginary parts. When you factor the expression, you get $$u(t) = ...
Envidia's user avatar
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4 votes

How to implement an RF Mixer for chirp signal in python?

What you're seeing is correct. When mixing two chirps as you're doing, you will get a doubling of the frequency. Consider two chirps with a bandwidth $B$ and pulse length $\tau$. We'll use the complex ...
Envidia's user avatar
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3 votes

Chirp zero crossings

Assuming that T is the length of the chirp, a linear chirp is given by $$x(t) = \sin\left[2\pi \cdot \left( t\cdot f_1+ \frac{t^2}{2T}(f_2-f_1)\right)\right] $$ A zero crossing occurs when the phase ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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3 votes

Confused with filtering linear chirp signal using band-pass filter

You are seeing the difference between "wide band FM" and "narrow band FM" in your modulated waveform. Observe your modulation index for each case and then review the sideband levels versus mod index ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
3 votes

Does chirp have constant magnitude frequency response?

The book is not wrong, but it does present the concepts on LFM in a clunky manner and can be misleading. The book presents the analytical expression for the LFM spectrum, which is an approximation. It ...
Envidia's user avatar
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Wrong matched filter sidelobe level for linear chirp despite (invalid ?) energy normalization

You used the wrong logarithm function. The one in your code is the natural logarithm, not base-10 as intended. The following code produces what is expected: ...
Envidia's user avatar
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2 votes

Equation of wave in Linear frequency modulation?

If you have a signal $$g(t)=\cos(2\pi \hat{f}(t)t)\tag{1}$$ then the function $\hat{f}(t)$ is not the instantaneous frequency of $g(t)$ (unless $\hat{f}(t)$ is constant). If you want an ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Designing a Chirp in the Frequency Domain

Instead of phase delay $td(f)$, use group delay $\tau(f)$: $$\tau(f) = -\frac{d}{d\omega}\phi(f),\tag{1}$$ calculated as the negative of the derivative of the phase $\phi(f)$ with respect to the ...
Olli Niemitalo's user avatar
2 votes

Radar Imaging Method

You still only get one range and one velocity line per radar observation. You can, however, "scan" a region (that's why airport towers and ships have these rotating antennas) and get another axis ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Complex nature of chirped signal

$i$ is the symbol for $\sqrt{-1}$ There is a very important formula called Euler's Equation. $$ e^{i\theta}=\cos(\theta) + i \sin(\theta) = (e^i)^\theta$$ "$ e^i $" is a point on the unit ...
Cedron Dawg's user avatar
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End of chirp in phase 0

Derivations here - you can pick any tmin, tmax, and fmin, ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
2 votes

Do PSK/QAM modulators (e.g. 4G/5G) fundamentally use more energy per packet than CSS modulators (e.g. LoRa)?

Yes PSK/QAM modulators fundamentally use more energy than LoRa chirp spread spectrum (specifically it is the transmit power required for transceivers using PSK/QAM modulators in order to close the ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
2 votes

Chirp pulse train FFT

The spectrum of a single chirps is fairly straight forward. It should roughly be 1 between the start end and end frequency of the chirp and 0 everywhere else. On top of that there are some wiggle ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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2 votes

Can you please help me in generating a chirp signal in GNU radio by creating a module of your own?

Your code works correctly. I have validated it against MATLAB's implementation and the results are the same down to numerical errors. You can see the results in the following figure. The only ...
ZaellixA's user avatar
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1 vote

Chirped vs. unchirped pulse and Fourier Transform intuition

I wouldn't say that your intuition is wrong, but you can't just look at the oscillations in a time domain signal and try to deduce from it the signal's frequency content. Think of an impulse or a step:...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Add chirp to time domain pulse

Couple points that may be helpful: The command plt.plot(I) is only plotting the real component. The command phase = freq**0 ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
1 vote

I am working on chirp signal generation using DDS in verilog . To generate the chirp signal do I need to change the limit of the 8 bit counter?

The step input should control the rate of the counter, which would then control the rate at which the sine table is traversed and therefore the frequency of the output. Therefore to implement a chirp,...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
1 vote

Can someone help me with chirp signal generation using direct digital synthesizer(DDS) in verilog?

What you are creating is typically called a "Numerically Controlled Oscillator" or NCO, and when integrated with a D/A Converter would form a Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS), but these are ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
1 vote

guidance for designing a pilot signal

An ideal pilot signal for channel estimation (without any apriori further knowledge of the channel) would transmit power uniformly across the channel and be easy to replicate in the receiver for ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
1 vote

How to implement an RF Mixer for chirp signal in python?

Wouldn't mixing them give you a sum and difference frequency and you have to lowpass filter to get the difference frequency only? Also your chirps are the same frequency, just out of phase? So the ...
endolith's user avatar
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Detect playback position in swept sine sweep

Attached Matlab sample code to apply an matched filter to a sine sweep for finding the playback position (the playback position estimate can be derived as the position of the peak in the matched ...
pffelix's user avatar
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Radar SNR for a LFM Waveform

With pulse compression, the SNR improves by a factor equal to the time-bandwidth product (synonymous with pulse compression gain). In the equation you listed, $\tau$ can be interpreted as the ...
Robert L.'s user avatar
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Exponential Chirp

The Python implementation looks almost exactly like the definitions in Wikipedia. One will need to define functions in order to make it work, like this: ...
HaraldCoder's user avatar
1 vote

Doppler Shifting A Chirp Signal

Rather than re-sampling, this is best accomplished by re-creating the signal after it is Doppler shifted. This allows any arbitrary waveform to have Doppler imparted on it. See Mark A. Richards, &...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
1 vote

Doppler Shifting A Chirp Signal

You need to resample the signal to simulate the Doppler induced dilation. The resampling factor is I=Td/Ts where Td = Duration ...
Harris's user avatar
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Cross-correlation peaks in acoustic multi-path conditions

I assume by "shift" you mean "shift in time". No, the first correlation peak should not be shifted in time, you should just get multiple peaks, assuming the time difference of arrival is not much ...
Jim Clay's user avatar
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