Linked Questions

4 votes
5 answers

Sequence expansion by zeros and interpolation - does it insert additional frequencies?

I am struggling with understanding the consequences of oversampling on the frequency spectrum of the signal. If I understand correctly, with an oversampling rate of 8X we insert 7 new values for each ...
user7216373's user avatar
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What is the difference between undersampling and oversampling in analog to digital conversion ?

When converting a signal from analog to digital, we observe undersampling and oversampling. Does oversampling means that the sampling frequency is greater that the signal's frequency and does ...
Eng. Yvan Ngassa's user avatar
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Sampling - Higher order harmonics

I have been studying about the sampling theorem and it seems that even though we sample at a frequency with the nyquist criterion, the harmonics (due to sampling process) remain within the nyquist ...
sundar's user avatar
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The downsampling step with discrete wavelet transform

For one stage discrete wavelet transform (DWT), if we have a signal with 1000 samples occupying the frequency range from zero to 500 Hz, the output of the low-pass filter is a signal with frequency ...
Noha's user avatar
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LPF in the stage of IQ demodulator is it a analgor filter or digital filter?

I recently designed the LPF of the IQ demodulator using the Butterworth LPF refering to But I have ...
agile's user avatar
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Decimation FFT Result

In my Signal Processing class we just learned decimation however after messing around in Matlab trying an example of decimation, I just can't understand what's happening. I get the introducing twi ...
HelpMeBro's user avatar
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Sampling, filters, windowing, FFT. From theory to help on this coding list

My plan is to analyse the spectrum of samples from a microphone. I wonder how correct this suggestion is. The below description may then fail on several points. I am in need of somebody with a red ...
Øyvind Teig's user avatar
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Decimation effect on the spectrum

If I have a sampled cosine wave signal with Fc = 80kHz and Fs = 200kHz (so the Nyquist region is between 100kHz and -100kHz) and I want to preform a decimation by the factor of 2. Will my input signal ...
James's user avatar
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Number of discrete samples required for the longest wavelength

I am trying to understand the effect of the critical Nyquist frequency when applying the Goertzel algorithm for estimating the power spectrum of a discrete signal. (Goertzel doesn't really matter, ...
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-1 votes
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Convert analog to digital and back to analog

I'm trying to convert a signal from analog to digital and back to analog to observe the working of ADC and DAC, I use AD9248 as ADC and AD9767 as DAC, both of them are available on THDA ADA Altera ...
Tuấn Nguyễn Anh's user avatar