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Questions tagged [reference-implementation]

Questions that include a request for a reference software library where a known algorithm is implemented.

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Implementation boundary-corrected wavelets on the unit interval

I was wondering if there is a 'ready-to-use' implementation available of the (boundary-corrected) wavelets constructed in Cohen, Albert, Ingrid Daubechies, and Pierre Vial. "Wavelets on the ...
Brazilian Cérebro's user avatar
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Standard audio format using DWT for compression

Is there any standard audio format that employs discrete wavelet transform to compress signals?
dac's user avatar
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1 answer

Switching camera angle based on several images

Given a number (3 or 4) of different images of a given subject from different angles, how do I interpolate to an angle that isn't available on any of the photos? What is this technique called and is ...
Michael Zedeler's user avatar
2 votes
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Blind deconvolution implementation, Python, Shalvi-Weinstein

I'd like a 1D blind deconvolution implementation in Python. I read Shalvi and Weinstein 1990 (on the recommendation of Yair Weiss) and it appears relatively simple. However I can't find an existing ...
Dan Stowell's user avatar
2 votes
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Fast implementation of LOESS for equally spaced samples (possibly using convolution)

Is it possible to do LOESS smoothing on equally spaced data using convolution? The Wikipedia article on LOESS mentions a possibility of using a FIR filter for LOESS. I could not find anything more ...
pkuhar's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Register 2D image - 3D model

I have 2D pictures of an airplane of a specific model, taken with a simple camera, and a 3D point cloud model of this airplane. I would like to project the pictures onto the 3D model (cloud of points) ...
Jericho12's user avatar
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How can I create range-Doppler spectrograms from NEXRAD level3 data?

I would like to create range-Doppler spectrograms (Doppler velocity on x-axis, range on y-axis) using NEXRAD level 3 data, to create something like this (from this paper): I have done image ...
bphi's user avatar
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Finding Duplicate Pixel/Objects along Image seams

I have a seam of two photos joined by a seam alignment algorithm that on occasion generates duplicated pixels/objects/artifacts on both sides of the seam in the final, aligned photo. The images are ...
Loonuh's user avatar
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Resources for modulation/demodulation techniques with example code

So I remember seeing someone recommending a DSP book that had actual code for modulation and demodulation of a communication signal. Does anyone have any recommended resources they could point me ...
gerrgheiser's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Cross Correlation in Java (Android) Using FFT (Frequency Domain Convolution / Correlation)

I want to implement cross-correlation with the start-symbol and the signal using FFT. I zero-pad both signals to length N = x.len + y.len -1 Using the convolution theorem: ...
Darman's user avatar
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