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Deriving the Thiran Coefficients for order 2

This is not a derivation from scratch but I start from a result given by Thiran in [1]. The derivation in [1] is very elegant but mathematically quite demanding. The elegance lies in the fact that a ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
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CFO Estimation for CPM

What would universally work if an ininitial estimate is good enough to start reception is a decision feedback CFO estimator: you observe some phase sequence $\Phi[n]$, decide on some symbols $\hat s[n]...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
1 vote

Effect of FFT length on phase response

The plots don't show a 90 degree phase shift, am I doing something wrong in my plot? Why would they show a 90 degree phase shift? Shift against what refrence? Your signal is a sine shifted by $-\pi/2$...
Hilmar's user avatar
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Deriving the Thiran Coefficients for order 2

$$\begin{align} G(z) &= \frac{b + az^{-1} + z^{-2}}{1 + az^{-1} + bz^{-2}} \\ \\ &= z^{-2}\frac{1 + az + bz^{2}}{1 + az^{-1} + bz^{-2}} \\ \\ \\ G(e^{i \omega}) &= e^{-i 2\omega} \frac{1 + ...
robert bristow-johnson's user avatar
3 votes

Best phase unwrapping algorithm in single precision

I think that phase unwrapping is not the best solution for computing the instantaneous frequency. You can't avoid (approximative) differentiation, but it's more stable to directly use the signal and ...
Matt L.'s user avatar
  • 92.4k
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Apply Phase Shift Using FFT and complex exponential

Recall the time shift property of the Fourier Transform: $$\mathcal{F}\{x(t - t_0)\} = e^{-j\omega t_0}X(\omega )$$ n = np.arange(len(t)) is wrong. You need the ...
Jdip's user avatar
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Phase Response and Phase Delay

That's simply a consequence of the sign choice of the Fourier Transform. The forward transform uses $e^{-j\omega t}$ and the inverse $e^{+j\omega t}$. That choice makes the phase of a pure time delay ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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Shifting phase with boolean logic gate

Using these conventions: the frequency of the input signal is "1", "2", "3" or "4", where the frequency of the yellow wave is "1". and The phase of ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar

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