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Anything related to RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging) systems and radar signal processing.

0 votes

Is it possible to observe more area in azimuth than physically traveled in stripmap SAR?

It's so that the cross-range (along-track) resolution is consistent for all targets in the scene. There is no reason why you could not use the flight path between [-5,5] to form the same size image. H …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
0 votes

Is it possible to make 3D point cloud with RADAR?

A returned radar pulse, on the other hand, will contain reflections from a much larger angle, which at typical standoff ranges could mean kilometers-worth of targets. … However, there are ways to coherently process radar data to compensate for the wide beamwidths. …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
1 vote

Trimming of Azimuth Frequency Extent After Stolt Interpolation

This will be determined by the targets at the far edges of the scene, where the least amount of rotation relative to the radar is observed. …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
1 vote

Spotlight SAR image formation

Perhaps this will help. The simplest point target simulator that doesn't consider platform motion during the transit time of the pulse can be written in a couple lines of code like this: tau_mcp = col …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
0 votes

Finding SAR baseband recordings?

The bandwidth is usually always available from the meta data distributed with the radar data, though not sure about the pulse duration. … The ESA makes all of their Sentinel-1 radar data available. It's course range resolution data that covers very large ground areas, so it's probably not dechirpped on receive. …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
0 votes

How to use the stft function?

Since you can equate pulse number with time, if you take just the FFT in the range dimension, you will have frequency vs. (slow-)time for each channel. If you want to look at frequency vs. fast-time, …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
1 vote

SAR and ISAR sampling time

For a stationary radar that is trying to image moving targets in the sky, the PRF might be set based on the expected min and max radial velocity of the targets. …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
0 votes

Why are polyphase codes doppler tolerant in comparison to bi-phase codes?

The short answer of what makes a waveform "Doppler tolerant" is that a frequency shifted version of the waveform still has all of its non-linear phase (in the frequency domain) removed when matched fi …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
0 votes

How to perform dechirping of SAR image in MATLAB?

Dechirping is a bit different than matched filtering, but perhaps that not important here. The code you have looks like it should work if the variables are as you describe. Here is a hypothetical exa …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
1 vote

Synthetic Aperture Radar model: Ground reflected energy

The goal of the radar is to measure/estimate the ground/target reflectivity. If it is peaky, then that is what we want to know. The convolution model is not an approximation. … When sensed by the radar, we see: $ s(t) = \alpha_1 \delta( t - \tau_1) + \alpha_2 \delta( t - \tau_2 ) \Rightarrow r(t) = w(t) \ast s(t). $ For cases where a target's reflectivity is a function of frequency …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
0 votes

FMCW Radar - What's wrong with the transmitted signal model?

See if the example code below helps you. It also looks like you are calling spectrogram wrong; the fourth argument should be a vector of the frequencies at which to compute the spectrogram. You are pa …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
2 votes

How can I apply a phase shift to an LFM pulse?

The signal that comes back to the radar is delayed by $\tau$ seconds: $w(t-\tau) \cdot e^{j2\pi f_0 (t-\tau) }$. The first thing the radar will do is baseband this signal so that it can be digitized. … Assuming you have a coherent radar, which nearly all are nowadays, this means that what gets digitized is $$ w(t-\tau) \cdot e^{j2\pi f_0 (t-\tau) } \cdot e^{-j2\pi f_0 t} = w(t-\tau) \cdot e^{-j2\pi f …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
1 vote

creating range map doppler

The following is quick and dirty, but hopefully it helps: % Radar, signal, and simulation parameters. c0 = 3e8; pri = 5e-6; pw = 2e-6; CPI = 0.5e-3; B = 100e6; f_c = 40e9; fs = B * 1.25; % Function that …
AnonSubmitter85's user avatar
1 vote

regarding periodograms, doppler shift, and pulse dopplers

Now suppose the target is moving with velocity $v$ and at time $t=0$ its distance to the radar is $r_0$. …
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