I've created a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) simulator and am testing it to ensure its correct operation. One of the last steps is to process the data into a final image, but I'm having trouble with that.
I've shared four files here so anyone can recreate my image formation process thus far.
is the model used in the simulation. It is just a sparse array of metal plates.positions.csv
is the radar position at each pulseview_rdm.py
is the Python script used to generate the image (requiresnumpy
is the range-Doppler map generated by the simulation
Some notes about the range-Doppler map data.
- The waveform has already been range-compressed
- Motion compensation has been performed such that the origin is always at range bin 128
- The data is still in the slant domain
- I've introduced zero additional noise sources
Using the command python view_rdm.py positions.csv rdm.bin 20
(where 20 controls the dynamic range of the image in log scale), I get the following image
As you can see, when comparing this image with the GLTF file, there are noticeable areas where the image does not compress correctly, specifically in the middle row, where there seems to be some aliasing, and in the last row (bottom), where energy is compressed into the zero-doppler bin (bin-1024) when there is no structure there.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.