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Questions tagged [fingerprint-recognition]

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4 votes
1 answer

Fingerprint enhancement lighter version

I've been advised to ask here, I hope that it fits. Original question: I want to create a more straightforward and lighter version of this fantastic repo (which itself is based on Fingerprint Image ...
RedYoel's user avatar
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1 answer

Fingerprint Recognition of Short Audio Samples

I'm working on a project related to fingerprinting of audios with different sizes. The library that I'm using is called Dejavu. Generally, it is the implementation of this paper that hashes the ...
Tarlan Ahadli's user avatar
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Performance assessment metrics for biometric identification

Suppose that we have a fingerprint database consisting of 1000 images from 100 persons (10 images per person), and it is required to design a system to identify the person from his fingerprint image. ...
Noha's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to get coordinates(x(time),y(frequency),z(intensity(db))) from spectrogram?

I have created this spectrogram from a wav file. Please have a look: I want to get the x = time, y= frequency, z=intensity(db) of every pixel of the spectrogram. How can I get these coordinates? I am ...
Elyn's user avatar
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2 answers

How to develop a spectrogram (2D array) from audio signal?

I have developed a spectrogram in Python using Scipy.Signal.Spectrogram. But I need a complete understanding of data. Here I am not asking about plotting and color ...
Khubaib Ahmad's user avatar
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How to get coordinates(x(time),y(frequency)) of spectral peaks from spectrogram?

I have created this spectrogram from a wav file. Please have a look: As it can be observed clearly that my somewhat spectral peaks are visible. I want to get the x = time, y= frequency of these ...
Khubaib Ahmad's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Finding when a part of audio starts and ends in another audio

I have two audio files in which a sentence is read (like singing a song) by two different people. So they have different lengths. They are just vocal, no instrument in it. A1: Audio File 1 A2: Audio ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
1 vote
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Feature recognition within a single song

I want to write an algorithm in C++ which is capable of identifying specific features within a single song, e. g. the sound of a drum which is played 100 times during 5 min. State of the project So ...
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Can I use fpcalc to prove two audio files produce the same sound?

I'm using fingerprinting techniques to detect duplicate audio files on my music library. The first and easy step is to compare the file-size and if they match I use a md5 sum to compare them. The ...
Falk's user avatar
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Fingerprint minutiae matching

I am working in a fingerprint recognition project using C code running on embedded system. After processing the fingerprint image, I have the minutiae now. I tried to matching two sets of minutiae by ...
IMPENTA's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Dividing Audio signals into Barks Bands

I want to apply the following steps in matlab 1) Read the audio data 2) Apply window function on that data 3) Apply fft on the result of window function 4) Make power spectrum of fft 5) divide ...
Hassan Anwer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using Discrete Wavelet Transform in the time-frequency domain

I am creating an application that works like the Shazam service. In short, my goal is to create an audio pattern matching service. However, I would like to use DWT and not the short time Fourier ...
rayman's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Analysing 2500 frequencies using FFT with an input vector of 2048 samples?

I am currently reading the paper A Highly Robust Audio Fingerprinting System and on page 4 one can read about the technical parameters they use: Sampling rate of 5000 Hz, frames of 2048 samples as ...'s user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How to get started with fingerprint recognition?

I have started with Matlab and Digital Image Processing. I am trying to do Fingerprint recognition. I found many research papers regarding this but I am unsure where to start. Concisely, what is the ...
krammer's user avatar
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