If the received power of an antenna is at -95dBm (-125dBm gps signal + 30dB interference) and the thermal noise with 25MHz signal BW is -175dBm/Hz + 73dBm = -102dBm. Given the information, how can i choose an appropriate ADC?
Right now i am considering ad9257s-csl, based on:
The full scale input power is 2V at 200ohms = 4dBm. A gain of 70dB will put the gps signal, thermal noise and the interference at -55dBm, -32dBm and -25dBm respectively. This gives gps signal to quantization noise ratio of about 10dB.
Assuming i can suppress the interference during the processing stage and de-spread the gps signal to get a process gain of 53dB (10MHz/50Hz), this will give me about -55dBm + 50dB +32dBm= 27dB SNR?
Now is this process correct?
(Not quite sure about how processing gain works, take it with a grain of salt.)