I am working based on Angelo Farinas paper: Simultaneous measurement of impulse response and distortion with a swept-sine technique.
The purpose of the work is part of a loudspeaker measurement and analysis system.
At present my "measurement" data is generated via a non-linear transducer model, so simulated to include typical electroacoustic transducer non-linearities. The simulation is time-domain based and outputs displacement, velocity and acceleration data.
The process as it stands is:
- Excite the transducer model with a exponential sweep defined by:
$ x(t)=\sin\left(\frac{\omega_1T}{\ln(\frac{\omega_2}{\omega_1})}(e^{\frac{t\ln(\omega_2)}{\omega_1}}-1)\right) $
- Create an inverse filter
(which gives a delayed Dirac delta function when convolved with the input function $x(t)\circledast f(t)\rightarrow\delta(t)$):
$ f(t) = \frac{x_\text{inv}(t)}{e^{\frac{t\cdot \ln(\frac{\omega_2}{\omega_1})}{T}}} $
- Convolve the transducer model output signal $y(t)$ with the inverse filter to retreive the systems impulse response $h(t)$:
$ h(t)=y(t)\circledast f(t) $
- Isolate and plot the FFT of each impulse in the system impulse response (right to left) in order of harmonics:
My main questions are, am I on the right track with this? Are there alternative methods I have missed? What improvements I can make?