Why does a pole close to the unit circle result in an enhanced Q-factor?
Suppose some $H(q)=\frac{A(q)}{B(q)}$ where q is some complex variable and $A,B$ are functions of $q$.
Whether in the s or z planes, to evaluate the magnitude of $H(q)$ at some $q$, you evalaute and ...
How to detect continuous noise in audio call?
My recommendation would be to do the processing in the frequency domain as methods are available that can directly be used to approach your problem. In many cases, speech "quality" is related to the ...
Is it possible to "determine"/"evaluate" the perceived quality of a music audio/video record by using software in an automatic way?
Is it possible to analyze a recording in a software way ... to "determine"/"evaluate" its subjective quality
Yes, very possible; all one needs is to define, mathematically, what &...
Why does a pole close to the unit circle result in an enhanced Q-factor?
In the Z plane, a point on the unit circle represents frequency, and the distance to a pole is inversely proportional to gain (as a pole is in the denominator of the transfer function fraction).
As ...
How to calculate linear index of fuzziness of an image?
In MATLAB it would be something like:
Analyzing the quality of a music track
Currently I am writing a script that will look at the time/size = compression rate. Anything that is below 300kb/s I want to delete.
That's a very bad idea.
Just because something compresses well, ...
How to detect continuous noise in audio call?
You can compute energy and the fft over short consecutive time frames. If the frequency content and the energy does not change during a given number of frames maybe you can assume that you are in the ...
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Related Tags
quality-factor × 9fft × 2
audio × 2
noise × 2
poles-zeros × 2
music × 2
image-processing × 1
matlab × 1
signal-analysis × 1
frequency-spectrum × 1
power-spectral-density × 1
phase × 1
snr × 1
audio-processing × 1
voice × 1
autoregressive-model × 1
software-implementation × 1
adaptive-algorithms × 1
perceived-quality × 1