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6 votes

How to Apply the SSIM Measure on RGB Images?

What usually can be done is calculate it per channel and have the average (Or weighted average). So if you have $ {R}_{1}, {G}_{1}, {B}_{1} $ and $ {R}_{2}, {G}_{2}, {B}_{2} $ you would do: $$ {SSIM}_{...
Royi's user avatar
  • 20.5k
3 votes

Audio Quality Assessment

Audio quality assessment is one of the most critical pieces of audio coding and enhancing applications. The task requires an accurate and objective (mathematical) modeling of human auditory system ...
Fat32's user avatar
  • 28.4k
2 votes

Measuring sharpness/contrast for autofocus

Just run the image through an edge or corner filter and then take the maximum value over the entire image. This gives you the sharpness of the sharpest edge. Then refocus the camera and repeat. Since ...
Rainer P.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Quality of experience engineer

In my experience in the defense industry, the quality assurance engineers are mostly just “box checkers” that have limited understanding of how all of the individual facets of the algorithms and ...
vintagevogue's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to "determine"/"evaluate" the perceived quality of a music audio/video record by using software in an automatic way?

Is it possible to analyze a recording in a software way ... to "determine"/"evaluate" its subjective quality Yes, very possible; all one needs is to define, mathematically, what &...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
2 votes

How to find PSNR from two images with different size in python

Assuming that your resizing method generates an additive pixel distortion, so that the MSE of two operations is the sum of the MSE of the individual operations. You can get ...
Bob's user avatar
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1 vote

What Measure to Compare the Color Depth (Distribution of Colors) of Images

One measure you may use is the Entropy (Information Theory) of the data. Its definition is given by: $$ H \left( X \right) := - \sum_{x \in \mathcal{X}} p \left( x \right) \log p \left( x \right) = \...
Royi's user avatar
  • 20.5k
1 vote

How to Apply the SSIM Measure on RGB Images?

I don't see a commonly used standard when implementing it; the original paper [1] and reference code [2] only provide the definition for grayscale images. This means the SSIM result for color images ...
Johnny Chen's user avatar
1 vote

Does Short-time Fourier transform impact quality of signal?

By design, quality should be preserved: STFT is a redundant and fully inversible transform, when time-frequency data remains complex. Note this is not the case anymore when complex coefficients are ...
Laurent Duval's user avatar
1 vote

Does Short-time Fourier transform impact quality of signal?

STFT (short-time Fourier Transform) should not impact the quality of the reconstructed signal if properly implemented. Furthermore, any signal $x[n]$ should be exactly recovered from its STFT analysis ...
Fat32's user avatar
  • 28.4k
1 vote

Quality of experience engineer

My office is also struggling with this problem. We concluded that three skill sets required: signal processing, human centered computing (HCC), and computer science (CS). The algorithm development ...
Margaret Pinson's user avatar
1 vote

Audio Quality Assessment

By quality, one might mean intelligibility, which may be reduced by noise and other signal degradation. This kind of assumes that there is a reference signal that gets degraded, although the reference ...
Olli Niemitalo's user avatar

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