I found the Hann–Poisson window on Wikipedia. It has no sidelobe for $\alpha \ge 2$.
I am interested to know more examples of such window function with no sidelobes and what they are useful for.
I found the function $\frac{1}{|\frac{2n}{N-1}-1|^2}$, $\ln^2|\frac{2n}{N-1}-1|$ and $\ln^2(1-\ln|\frac{2n}{N-1}-1|)$ seems to work (looks fine visually not verified with math), though they have poles at $n=\frac{N-1}{2}$, so they can only make type-II filter. This post mentions the Gaussian filter which almost works but still has some very small ripple.
So far, the patterns are functions that have a large peak at the center in the time domain.
*edit: The square of a Bartlett window also seems to work, and delta function, for obvious reasons.