Okay, I am going to answer this question in two parts. The first part will be in the continuous-time and continuous-frequency domains (the regular Fourier Transform). I will use the "ordinary frequency" definition (that electrical engineers like to use) of the continuous-time Fourier Transform:
$$ \mathscr{F}\Big\{x(t)\Big\} \triangleq X(f) = \int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty}x(t)\, e^{-j 2 \pi f t} \,\mathrm{d}t$$
$$ \mathscr{F}^{-1}\Big\{X(f)\Big\} \triangleq x(t) = \int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty}X(f)\, e^{j 2 \pi f t} \,\mathrm{d}f$$
Note the symmetry between the forward and inverse Fourier transforms. They are, in a very important sense, exactly the same. This is because $-j$ and $+j$ have the same claim to squaring to be $-1$. If all textbooks and literature was changed so that every occurrence of $+j$ was replaced with $-j$ (and vise versa), every equation, every theorem, every derived fact would be just as true.
Now there is this Duality Theorem that says if:
$$ X(f) = \mathscr{F}\Big\{x(t)\Big\} $$
$$ x(-f) = \mathscr{F}\Big\{X(t)\Big\} $$
Note that all we're doing is swapping the roles of $f$ and $t$ and applying a ($-$) minus sign to one or the other (above it's $f$). That minus sign is necessary because while $-j$ and $+j$ are qualitatively the same, they are negatives of each other and they are not zero.
So, adjusting the notation a little, if we define $x_n(\cdot)$ like this:
x_1(f) &= \mathscr{F}\Big\{x_0(t)\Big\} \\
x_2(f) &= \mathscr{F}\Big\{x_1(t)\Big\} \\
x_3(f) &= \mathscr{F}\Big\{x_2(t)\Big\} \\
x_4(f) &= \mathscr{F}\Big\{x_3(t)\Big\} \\
\end{align} $$
Then you will see that $x_4(t) = x_0(t)$ for any $x_0(\cdot)$ that isn't pathologically (or "funkily") defined.
So, given any $x_0(\cdot)$, and the relationships above, if you define
$$ x(t) \triangleq x_0(t) + x_1(t) + x_2(t) + x_3(t) $$
then the Fourier Transform does not change $x(t)$.
$$ x(f) = \mathscr{F}\Big\{x(t)\Big\} $$
The function is exactly the same, you just changed the $t$ to an $f$.
Now the next part will be adjusting this to the Discrete Fourier Transform, because your question is about the DFT.