A hilbert filter is, at the end of the day, a complex bandpass that filters out the negative-frequency half of your double-sided spectrum.
A "mean" is the zero-frequency component of the signal. Whether that should, in theory, be erased by a Hilbert filter, halved or left alone might be up for discussion. In practice, it's usually filtered away (which is a mathematical necessity considering you can't have infinitely sharp filters with finite lengths).
In other words, your Hilbert is doing what it should. If you really need your DC component, as Josu recommended, estimate that and add it back up (you can at least not make a phase error, here).
I'm not even sure I'd use a hilbert filter for envelope detection in your case, to be honest. It's incomplete, to say the very least – the envelope of a signal is $\sqrt{x^2 + \bar x^2}$, $\bar x$ being the hilbert transform of the signal $x$, and you're only calculating $|\bar x|$. Notice that $\bar x$ is complex and hence $\bar x^2$ might be negative!