Let's say I have a system similar to two interconnected IIR filters described like this:
\begin{align} x_1(t)&=a_{11} x_1(t-1)+a_{12} x_1(t-2) +a_{13} x_2(t-1) + a_{14} x_2(t-2)+y_1(t)\\ x_2(t)&=a_{21} x_2(t-1)+a_{22} x_2(t-2) +a_{23} x_1(t-1) + a_{24} x_1(t-2)+y_2(t) \end{align}
where $x$ are the outputs and $y$ are the inputs.
How would I go about testing the stability of such a system?
I myself have pretty much no background in MIMO systems, so I'm not really sure where even to start.
For a SISO system, I'd start with poles and zeros and go on from there, but I'm not sure how such a graph might looks like in the MIMO case.