I am trying to design the Symbol timing recovery(#STR) block of #DVBS Receiver. These are the specifications
- Symbol rate ($f_s$) = $2\textrm{ MHz}$
- Acquisition range = $10\%$ of Symbol rate
- Acquisition time = better than $50\textrm{ ms}$
- Interpolation rate = $4$
- Roll off factor = $0.5$
- Symbol time ($T_s$) = 1/$f_s$
- Sample time ($T$) = $T_s$/Interpolation rate = $T_s$/4
The main thing I need for the design is to find out the loop filter coefficients $\mathbf{K1}$ and $\mathbf{K2}$ of PI filter which depends on $\zeta$, $B_n$, $T_s$(symbol time), $K_d$(TED gain) and $\mathbf{K0}$(VCO gain).
I am referring to the book Digital Communications: A Discrete-time Approach by Michael Rice, Appendix C, for the design of the loop filter.
From the acquisition range specs, I found:
- The term $B_nT_s \geq 0.01125$.
- Acquisition range $\approx$ $2\pi B_n\sqrt 2 \zeta$.
Besides I also figured out the following values
- $K_d :(\text{I found out from S-curve})= 0.1751$ [Gardner TED]
- $\mathbf{K0} =1$
- $\zeta = 1$
I calculated $\mathbf{K1}$ and $\mathbf{K2}$ from these, but when I am simulating the timing recovery design for noise-free channel, it is not working. I found out through trial that $B_nT_s$ factor should be in the range $0.005$ for retrieved symbols bit amplitude close to the original symbol bit amplitude, not $0.01125$ which I got from my calculation. I am not understanding what possible mistake I could have done with calculation. Or I am missing any important factor in the calculation of $\mathbf{K1}$ and $\mathbf{K2}$.
This is the equation for loop filter coefficient $\mathbf{K1}$ $$ \mathbf{K0}\cdot K_{d}\cdot \mathbf{K1} = \frac{4\zeta\left (\frac{B_{n}T}{\zeta+ \frac{1}{4\zeta}}\right )}{1 + 2\zeta\left ( \frac{B_{n}T}{\zeta + \frac{1}{4\zeta}} \right ) + \left ( \frac{B_{n}T}{\zeta + \frac{1}{4\zeta}} \right )^{2}} $$