The DFT can be functionally explained as a "bank of filters" in that each bin of the DFT is the result of a bandpass filter centered on that bin. Without further windowing, this filter has a frequency response given by the "Dirichlet Kernel" which resembles a Sinc function in that the attenuation for distant frequencies off of the center goes down relatively slowly. Notably however, the response will be a null at every other bin location, which is the reason if an input frequency was exactly on bin center, it would not appear in any other bin. However if the input was exactly mid-way between bins, then the response from every other bin would be non-zero, which means that tone would appear in every other DFT bin! This is improved through the use of windowing, at the expense of increasing the width of the primary bandpass shape for any given bin (thus a reduction in frequency resolution).
Below shows a graphic of what would occur if we had a single frequency (note that a "single frequency" is given here by $e^{j\omega_1 t}$, not $\cos(\omega_1 t)$) that was in between two DFT bins for a simple 4 point DFT. Here we see the Dirichlet Kernel response for each bin in the DFT. If the tone is exactly on a bin center, the frequency response for every other bin will be zero as described above (and thus we have the case of no "spectral leakage"). On the right we see the actual DFT magnitude for the given frequency explained as follows:
The top graphic shows the response for bin 0, and we see there will be a small response for the input frequency represented by the vertical blue bar.
The next graphic shows the response for bin 1, which would be a little larger.
The third graphic shows the response for bin 2, which has the largest response given the input frequency is closest to bin 2.
For further details of this description, please see DSP.SE #82998.