I seek to understand symmetry properties of analytic sequences, without referring to frequency domain: what criteria must a complex sequence $x[n]$ satisfy to be analytic? Framed alternatively, such a sequence's (if also zero-mean) self-correlation (cross-correlation with self) is globally zero.
I found such conditions for $\sum_n x[n] \cdot x[n] = 0$, i.e. $\text{selfcorr[0]}=0$. Let $A$ be one complex sequence, $B$ another (in this case both are $x[n]$); then the complex product is:
$$ \begin{align} A \cdot B =\ & (A \cdot B)\text{.re } + j(A \cdot B)\text{.im } \\ =\ & [(A\text{.re } \cdot B\text{.re}) - (A\text{.im } \cdot B\text{.im})]\ + \tag{1} \\ & j[(A\text{.re } \cdot B\text{.im}) + (A\text{.im } \cdot B\text{.re})] \tag{2} \end{align} $$
- Real and imaginary L2 norms are equal: $\sqrt{\sum |A\text{.re}|^2} = \sqrt{\sum |A\text{.im}|^2}$, i.e. $||A\text{.re}|| = ||A\text{.im}||$. Follows from $(1)$.
- Real part is even-symmetric and imaginary part is odd-symmetric, or vice versa, for both of $A, B$. Follows from $(2)$ and $(1)$.
This guarantees $\sum AB = 0$, but only if $A = B$; it also guarantees $(\sum AB)\text{.im} = 0$ even if $A \neq B$ (if imag part is odd-symmetric). Note these are sufficient but not necessary for $(1)$ and $(2)$ to hold (they can be satisfied in other ways).
These aren't sufficient, however, for all $\sum_n x[n] \cdot x[n + T]$; for any general $x$, this is attained only if $x$ is analytic (or anti-analytic) and zero-mean. Self-correlation = convolution with own conjugate = freq-domain product with own conjugate: 1) if not zero mean, dc persists; 2) if both positive and negative frequencies exist, then some will persist. Thus,
- $x$ is zero-mean.
The most direct answer is, inner products with cisoids of opposite frequency are zero - but what's this mean, exactly, in terms of criteria on $x$ like 1, 2, and 3? (It's what I mean by "without referring to frequency domain") Note, asymmetric analytic is possible (but I'm only interested in symmetric).
Reference sequence
Code to generate $x$ with $\sum x = \sum x^2 = 0$ for reference:
import numpy as np
N = 128
x = np.random.randn(N) + 1j*np.random.randn(N)
x[N//2:] = 0
slc = x[:N//2][::-1]
x[N//2:] = slc.real - 1j * slc.imag
x -= x.mean()
x.real *= (np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(x.imag)**2)) /
assert np.allclose(x.sum(), 0)
assert np.allclose((x*x).sum(), 0)
Original motivation is to find inputs for which Morlet convolves to zero; visual of itself vs its complement can be helpful - also of a random sequence. Code at Github.
x == analytic(x.real)
, but that doesn't reveal any properties like symmetry/norm. I suppose my actual goal is sufficient criteria for $A \neq B$. $\endgroup$