i have obtained some skin detection map (i post below two example of detection map). but, i'm using a normal webcam and the map is noisy. Not a lot, just a bit.
I think i can remove noise only with some combination of dilate and erode, and then threshold it.
But, like a stupid child, i have spent hours in trying to set parameters, use in different combination like: dilate twice, erode three times, blur, and an erode again and so on.
The only result i have obtained is to lost myself: it is not a robust approach at all.
So, for image like this, how can i use those super-popular filters? Or some advice for getting a nice contour of the face and removing the noise?
Those two are two different approach to skin recognition: backprojection and mahalonobis distance, using as training data the output of a simple haar face detection. I'm using both of them because with some illumination setting the first is better, for others the second is better. For my porpouse i can choose the best anytime I'm using my application.