I sample a signal at a certain frequency for a finite amount of time to get a sequence $$(x_n)_{n=1}^N = (x_1, x_2, ... , x_N)$$
with the intention of analyzing its power spectral density by calculating its DFT.
I decide that the tail end of the sequence shouldn't be analyzed (that is, I want to discard all $x_n$ for $n\gt a$ for some $a\leq N$), but I want the DFT to have the same number of samples (in this case, $N$ samples).
One approach would be to truncate the sequence at $x_a$, remove the mean, apply a Hamming window to this truncated sequence, pad the truncated sequence with $N-a$ zeroes, and then calculate its DFT.
Question: Let's say that the section I don't want to analyze is an interval in the middle of the sequence. How do I calculate the DFT of this and make sure the DFT has $N$ samples? Should I remove the mean, apply two Hamming windows (one each on each section I don't want to discard), set the elements in the middle that I want to discard to zero, and calculate the DFT?
This is related to my other question here.