New answers tagged eeg
Problem understanding the actual bandpass of my EEG signal
If what you're pulling off of the machine with your signal viewer is definitely not what you've viewing when you're running the machine live -- yes, the filters are only being applied when viewing, ...
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eeg × 148python × 23
fft × 22
filters × 22
signal-analysis × 22
matlab × 20
power-spectral-density × 17
bandpass × 16
wavelet × 10
ica × 10
fourier-transform × 9
discrete-signals × 7
filter-design × 7
noise × 7
time-frequency × 7
frequency × 6
machine-learning × 5
scipy × 5
feature-extraction × 5
frequency-spectrum × 4
continuous-signals × 4
finite-impulse-response × 4
filtering × 4
spectrogram × 4
classification × 4