Let me write down all the facts that I know of.
In context of the z plane:
- Minimum phase system: All zeros and poles of such a system lie inside the unit circle.
- Linear phase FIR filter: For every zero ($ z = z_0 $), its inverse ($ z = \frac{1}{z_0} $) is also a zero of this filter.
- Real value coefficients FIR filter: For every zero, the complex conjugates are also zeros of the filter.
The first two facts match with the question but the third fact is unmentioned in the question.
Let $z_0 = re^{j\theta}$.
Then via fact 2: $z_0^{-1} = r^{-1}e^{-j\theta}$
From fact 1: $r < 1$
Hence if $z_0$ is inside the unit circle, then $z_0^{-1}$ must lay outside the unit circle. But this is not permissible.
Thus is it correct to say that such a filter has no zeros at all?
P.S It is mentioned that the filter is also low pass. So far, I failed to find this information of any use.