generate human voice using fft
Can't do. The FFT is too primitive for anything but simplest audio generation: different voices, instruments, etc. will all have similar or identical-looking FFT. It's not much more useful than manually drawing a raw signal.
FFT could synthesize an "e". It could synthesize a piano keystroke. Where it stops is sentences and music. Or even a single word spoken in your own voice.
Speech pieced together one independent letter at a time is iron screeching. The principal challenge is in "temporal coherence" - making realistic-sounding speech, accounting for tone and speaker - which introduces nonlinear interdependencies between any individual block that FFT could generate.
The FFT is brittle to noise, local time shifts, and time warps. It's a necessary, but not sufficient, stepping stone - the next step is time-frequency, see "Modulation Model vs Fourier Transform" here - and the next step is feature engineering, see this post.
As for how to synthesize an "e"... dunno, I'll let others answer, but it's simple enough for FFT.