Context and objective
I am trying to estimate the attenuation coefficients ($\alpha_u$ and $\alpha_v$) of two waves ($\overrightarrow{u}$ and $\overrightarrow{v}$). These waves propagate on a linear antenna of $N$ sensors, noted hereafter $\overrightarrow{s}_{i=1, ..., N}$, equally spaced at a distance $\Delta_x$. For each sensor $M$ samples are available: $\overrightarrow{s}_{i}=(s_{i,1}, ..., s_{i,M})^T$. The two waves as well as the sensors are placed on the same line and:
- The $\overrightarrow{u}$ wave is emitted by a source located at a distance $\Delta_u$ from the first sensor $\overrightarrow{s}_{1}$
- The $\overrightarrow{v}$ wave is emitted by a source located at a distance $\Delta_v$ from the last sensor $\overrightarrow{s}_{N}$
The figure below summarizes the situation:
Hypotheses and model
- The sensors record only the $\overrightarrow{u}$ and $\overrightarrow{v}$ waves (no noise) => $\overrightarrow{s}_i = \overrightarrow{u}_i + \overrightarrow{v}_i$
- The $\overrightarrow{u}$ wave propagates with a linear attenuation coefficient $\alpha_u$ and with a constant celerity $c_u$ => $\overrightarrow{u}_i=e^{-\alpha_u d_{u,i}}\overrightarrow{u}(t-d_{u,i}/c_u) ; d_{u,i}=\Delta_u + (i-1)\Delta_x $
- The $\overrightarrow{v}$ wave propagates with a linear attenuation coefficient $\alpha_v$ and with a constant celerity $c_v$ => $\overrightarrow{v}_i=e^{-\alpha_v d_{v,i}}\overrightarrow{v}(t-d_{v,i}/c_v) ; d_{v,i}=\Delta_v + (N-i)\Delta_x $
How to estimate the linear attenuation coefficients $\alpha_u$ and $\alpha_v$ from the $N$ sensor records $\overrightarrow{s}_{i=1, ..., N}$, knowing $\Delta_x$, $\Delta_u$, $\Delta_v$, $c_u$, $c_v$ but not $\overrightarrow{u}$ and $\overrightarrow{v}$?
Energetic approach:
My first attempt was to use an energetic approach to get rid of the problems due to the propagation time of the waves. Let's start with the simple case where we only have one source, the solution is then trivial.
With a single source ($\overrightarrow{v}=\overrightarrow{0}$) and for $M$ sufficiently large we have:
$E_{s_1}\equiv \sum_{k=1}^{M}s_{i,k}^2$
$E_{s_2}\approx E_{s_1}e^{-2\alpha_u\Delta_x}$
and therefore:
Case with two sources:
$E_{s_i}\equiv \sum_{k=1}^{M}s_{i,k}^2=\sum_{k=1}^{M}(u_{i,k}+v_{i,k})^2=E_{u_i}+E_{v_i}$ (Assuming $\overrightarrow{u}$ and $\overrightarrow{v}$ to be independent)
$E_{u_i}=E_{u}e^{-2\alpha_u d_{u,i}}$ with $E_{u}$ the energy of $\overrightarrow{u}$
$E_{v_i}=E_{v}e^{-2\alpha_v d_{v,i}}$ with $E_{v}$ the energy of $\overrightarrow{v}$
This approach leads to a system of $N$ non-linear equations with $4$ unknowns ($α_u$, $α_v$, $E_u$, $E_v$). What bothers me with this approach is:
- The difficulty to solve the system when $N$ is small
- The absence of analytical solutions
- The introduction and the determination of two unknowns $E_u$, $E_v$ of which are not useful.
Matlab code simulating the scenario
N = 10 ;
M = 100000 ;
Delta_x = 10 ;
Delta_t = 0.001 ;
Delta_u = 2 ;
Delta_v = 5 ;
c_u = 50 ;
c_v = 40 ;
alpha_u = 0.0111 ;
alpha_v = 0.0123 ;
u = randn(M,1) ;
v = randn(M,1) ;
% u = zeros(M,1) ; u(round(M/3),1) = 1 ;
% v = zeros(M,1) ; v(round(M/2),1) = 1 ;
s = zeros(M,N) ;
for ii = 1 : N
d_u_ii = Delta_u + (ii-1)*Delta_x ;
d_v_ii = Delta_v + (N-ii)*Delta_x ;
tau_u = round(d_u_ii/c_u/Delta_t) ;
tau_v = round(d_v_ii/c_v/Delta_t) ;
u_ii = exp(-alpha_u*d_u_ii).*[u(end-tau_u+1 : end) ; u(1:end-tau_u)] ;
v_ii = exp(-alpha_v*d_v_ii).*[v(end-tau_v+1 : end) ; v(1:end-tau_v)] ;
s(:,ii) = u_ii + v_ii ;