
I was looking into a technique called Random decrement technique from the following links/articles:

I found out that this technique was created in MATLAB which can be found in the following link (Damping ratio estimation from ambient vibrations (SDOF)). I tried to convert the code into python using smop, however, I think I made a mistake with the conversion. I feel that I misused smop package and tried recoding the converted file, but, I feel that I might have done something wrong. The code and conversion can be found below:


function [R,t] = RDT(y,ys,T,dt)
% [R] = RDT(y,ys,T,dt) returns the free-decay response (R) by
% using the random decrement technique (RDT) to the time serie y, with a
% triggering value ys, and for a duration T
%   y: time series of ambient vibrations: vector of size [1xN]
%   dt : Time step
%   ys: triggering values (ys < max(abs(y)) and here ys~=0)
%   T: Duration of subsegments (T<dt*(numel(y)-1))
%   R: impusle response function
%   t: time vector asociated to R
% Author: E. Cheynet - UiB - last modified 14-05-2020
if T>=dt*(numel(y)-1)
    error('Error: subsegment length is too large');
    % number of time step per block
    nT = round(T/dt); % sec
if ys==0
    error('Error: ys must be different from zero')
elseif or(ys >=max(y),ys <=min(y)),
    error('Error:  ys must verifiy : min(y) < ys < max(y)')
    % find triggering value
% construction of decay vibration
R = zeros(numel(ind),nT);
for ii=1:numel(ind)
% averaging to remove the random part
R = mean(R);
% normalize the R
R = R./R(1);
% time vector corresponding to the R
t = linspace(0,T,numel(R));

coeff = 5; % interpolation coefficient
newDT = median(diff(interp(t,coeff)));
newY = interp(y,coeff);
% triggering value
ys = max(abs(y))/5;
% subsegment duration
Ts = round(t(end)/30);

% RDT function
[IRF,newT] = RDT(newY,ys,Ts,newDT);
% get the envelop of the curve with the hilbert transform:
envelop = abs(hilbert(IRF));
clf;close all;
hold on; box on;
xlabel('time (s)')
ylabel('normalized displacement')
% fit an exponential decay to the envelop
optionPlot = 1;
wn = 2*pi*0.2; % -> obtained with peak picking method (fast way)
[zeta] = expoFit(envelop,newT,wn,optionPlot);
legend('IRF','envelop',' best fit')


# Generated with SMOP  0.41
# from libsmop import *
# RDT.m

from scipy.signal import chirp, spectrogram
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

# @function
def RDT(y=None,ys=None,T=None,dt=None,*args,**kwargs):
    # varargin = RDT.varargin
    # nargin = RDT.nargin

    # [R] = RDT(y,ys,T,dt) returns the free-decay response (R) by
# using the random decrement technique (RDT) to the time series y, with a
# triggering value ys, and for a duration T
    # INPUT:
#   y: time series of ambient vibrations: vector of size [1xN]
#   dt : Time step
#   ys: triggering values (ys < max(abs(y)) and here ys~=0)
#   T: Duration of subsegments (T<dt*(np.size(y)-1))
#   R: impusle response function
#   t: time vector asociated to R
# Author: E. Cheynet - UiB - last modified 14-05-2020
    if T >= np.dot(dt,(np.size(y) - 1)):
        error('Error: subsegment length is too large')
        # number of time step per block
        nT=round(T / dt)
# RDT.m:22
    if ys == 0:
        error('Error: ys must be different from zero')
        if ys >= max(y) or ys <= min(y):
            error('Error:  ys must verifiy : min(y) < ys < max(y)')
            # find triggering value
            ind=np.nonzero(np.diff(y(np.arange(1,y[-1] - nT)) > ys) != 0) + 1
# RDT.m:30
    # construction of decay vibration
# RDT.m:34
    for ii in np.arange(1,np.size(ind)).reshape(-1):
        R[ii,np.arange()]=y(np.arange(ind(ii),ind(ii) + nT - 1))
# RDT.m:36
    # averaging to remove the random part
# RDT.m:39
    # normalize the R
    R=R / R(1)
# RDT.m:41
    # time vector corresponding to the R
# RDT.m:43
    return R,t
if __name__ == '__main__':
    t = np.linspace(0, 10, 3000)
    w = chirp(t, f0=6, f1=1, t1=10, method='linear')
    plt.plot(t, w)
    plt.title("Linear Chirp, f(0)=6, f(10)=1")
    plt.xlabel('t (sec)')
    N = 3000 # number of time step
    # t = linspace(0,1800,N); # time
    dt = np.median(np.diff(t)) # time step
    fs = 1/dt
    coeff = 5 # interpolation coefficient
    newDT = np.median(np.diff(np.interp(coeff, t, w)))
    # newDT = np.median(np.diff(interp1d(t, t, w)))
    newY = np.interp(coeff, t, w)
    # triggering value
    ys = max(abs(w))/5
    # subsegment duration
    Ts = round(t[-1]/30)
    R, t = RDT(newY,ys,Ts,newDT)

I want to obtain a function for RDT and fit the decreasing decrement using an envelope to make sure that it follows decreasing /impulse signal. What could be my mistake here and obtain a reasonable impulse signal? An equation for RD can be found in the following article and photo. (Design of a Random Decrement Method Based Structural Health Monitoring System)

enter image description here

I want to implement the function onto for instance signals similar to the ones in the photo below.

enter image description here

The errors I am getting:

ind=np.nonzero(np.diff(y(np.arange(1,y[-1] - nT)) > ys) != 0) + 1
TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

newDT = np.median(np.diff(np.interp(coeff, t, w)))
raise ValueError("diff requires input that is at least one dimensional")
ValueError: diff requires input that is at least one dimensional

Also, I’m mainly stuck at this line:


            # find triggering value
            ind=np.nonzero(np.diff(y(np.arange(1,y[-1] - nT)) > ys) != 0) + 1


    % find triggering value

So, how would I convert this line for the find in MATLAB to python code?

  • $\begingroup$ This probably isn't the right place for debugging code, but if you can narrow it down to a specific signal processing question we may be able to generate more responses. Right now this reads as here is my python version of MATLAB code and it doesn't match, why? $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 24, 2021 at 23:21
  • $\begingroup$ @DanBoschen I edited the question. $\endgroup$
    – WDpad159
    Commented Nov 25, 2021 at 8:20
  • $\begingroup$ It's still a python language question which doesn't really belong here, so better in stackoverflow with your last point "The errors I am getting" would likely be sufficient to get an answer to your question. For this you are using () when you should be using [] to select items in y. In python () will always call a function and y is not a function. And for the second error check what np.interp is returning to ensure it is a 1D array (and ensure t and w are 1D arrays). Good luck! $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 25, 2021 at 13:10


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