I am learning signal processing for my subject and have some problems with the unit-power information signal. I refer to this paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.03949.pdf
In this paper, they formulate the received signal as: $y=h_{sd} \sqrt{p}s+n$ with $h_{sd}$ is the channel, $p$ is the transmit power, $s$ is the unit-power information signal, and $n$ is the noise.
What is the unit-power information signal? As I understand, the unit-power signal is the signal that has the power of 1. However, how can I formulate it (e.g., using Matlab)? For example, with BPSK signal, the signal is formulated as:
$s_1(t) = A_c \cos(2\pi f_ct)$ and $s_0(t)=A_c \cos(2\pi f_ct + \pi)$ for bit 1 and 0, respectively.
With a given transmit power $p$, how can I turn $s_1(t)$ and $s_0(t)$ into unit-power signal?
Is there any suggestion or reference?