I've been trying to make a digital filter. I've used the following transfer function to get my digital coefficients https://gyazo.com/00195ef119f0b2ff93fa5855715abdc9
Which i've then transfered to code using the direct form 1 with 2 2nd order sections. Which you can see down below in the code.
To get this into smaller coefficients i first divided each section by a10 and a20 to get smaller coefficients and making a10 and a20 1. The undivided coefficients can still be seen in the code as comments.
To then get the code in fixed point i tried multiplying each coefficient by 2^15 to use 16 bit integers and then dividing my end result by the same amount. However this does not seem to work.
Voltage is the reading of the ADC which is the input of the filter. And this is a 4th order lowpass butterworth filter with a -3dB at 500hz
And the delays in the for loop can probably be done in a different faster way but i'm not sure how else to do this.
Also not sure if this is important but this is done on a 8bit atmega chip.
TLDR: How do i implement this in fixed point and can the for loop for the delays be done faster?
Kind regards Chris
double xA[3] = {0};
double yA[3] = {0};
double xB[3] = {0};
double yB[3] = {0};
double y2 = 0;
double y = 0;
xA[0] = voltage;
xB[0] = voltage;
//2nd order
double a10 = 1.842071000613218e+09
double a11 = -3.180260791197821e+09
double a12 = 1.377668208188961e+09
double b10 = 9.869604401089357e+06
double b11 = 1.973920880217871e+07
double b12 = 9.869604401089357e+06
double a20 = 1.706052605083395e+09
double a21 = -3.180260791197821e+09
double a22 = 1.513686603718784e+09
double b20 = 9.869604401089357e+06
double b21 = 1.973920880217871e+07
double b22 = 9.869604401089357e+06
// Coefficients for 2 2nd order filters.
double a10 = 1
double a11 = -1.72645939822
double a12 = 0.74789093782
double b10 = 0.0053578849
double b11 = 0.0107157698
double b12 = 0.0053578849
double a20 = 1
double a21 = -1.86410476542
double a22 = 0.88724497662
double b20 = 0.0057850528
double b21 = 0.0115701056
double b22 = 0.0057850528
y2 = b10* xA[0]+ b11 *xA[1]+ b12*xA[2]- a11*yA[1] - a12*yA[2]; // 1st 2nd order
y2 = y2/a10;
yA[0] = y2;
y = b20* xB[0]+ b21 *xB[1]+ b22*xB[2]- a21*yB[1] - a22*yB[2]; //2nd 2nd order
y = y/a20;
yB[0] = y;
for(uint8_t i = 2; i > 0; i--) // delay for 1st 2nd order
xA[i] = xA[i-1];
for(uint8_t i = 2; i > 0; i--)
yA[i] = yA[i-1];
for(uint8_t i = 2; i > 0; i--) // delay for 2nd 2nd order
xB[i] = xB[i-1];
for(uint8_t i = 2; i > 0; i--)
yB[i] = yB[i-1];
voltage = y;
My fixed point attempt.
double xA[3] = {0};
double yA[3] = {0};
double xB[3] = {0};
double yB[3] = {0};
int32_t y2 = 0;
int32_t y = 0;
xA[0] = voltage;
xB[0] = voltage;
// Coefficients for 2 2nd order filters.
// Times 2^15 for fixed point
int16_t a10 = 16384
int16_t a11 = -28286
int16_t a12 = 12253
int16_t b10 = 88
int16_t b11 = 176
int16_t b12 = 88
int16_t a20 = 16384
int16_t a21 = -30541
int16_t a22 = 14537
int16_t b20 = 95
int16_t b21 = 190
int16_t b22 = 95
y2 = b10* xA[0]+ b11 *xA[1]+ b12*xA[2]- a11*yA[1] - a12*yA[2]; // 1st 2nd order
y2 = y2/a10;
yA[0] = y2;
y = b20* xB[0]+ b21 *xB[1]+ b22*xB[2]- a21*yB[1] - a22*yB[2]; //2nd 2nd order
y = y/a20;
yB[0] = y;
for(uint8_t i = 2; i > 0; i--) // delay for 1st 2nd order
xA[i] = xA[i-1];
for(uint8_t i = 2; i > 0; i--)
yA[i] = yA[i-1];
for(uint8_t i = 2; i > 0; i--) // delay for 2nd 2nd order
xB[i] = xB[i-1];
for(uint8_t i = 2; i > 0; i--)
yB[i] = yB[i-1];
voltage = y*0.00006103515;// divided by 16384 or 2^14
3rd edit with ur example. unsure about these lines in the example that you gave. and i removed the forloop at the bottom. The entire process is done using an interupt timer thus not using the forloop.
state_error = (short)(accumulator & 0x00003FFF); accumulator = (long)state_error + (((long)state_y1)<<14);
Also the adc value cast to voltage should probably done at the bottom and instead the res from adc read should be used for the calculations as it makes no sense to use the voltage for calculations to me.
#define MAX_VALUE_ADC 2047 // only 11 bits are used
#define VCC 3.30
#define VREF (((double) VCC) / 1.6) // maximal value is 2.06125 V
#define MAX_VALUE_DAC 4095
#define CAL_DAC 1.000 // Calibration value DAC
double xA[3] = {0};
double yA[3] = {0};
double xB[3] = {0};
double yB[3] = {0};
int32_t y2 = 0;
int32_t y = 0;
// Times 2^14 for fixed point
int32_t a10 = 16384
int32_t a11 = -28286
int32_t a12 = 12253
int32_t b10 = 88
int32_t b11 = 176
int32_t b12 = 88
int32_t a20 = 16384
int32_t a21 = -30541
int32_t a22 = 14537
int32_t b20 = 95
int32_t b21 = 190
int32_t b22 = 95
ISR(TCE0_OVF_vect) //TIMER Interupt
double voltage ; // contains read in voltage (mVolts)
int16_t res; // contains read in adc value
int16_t BinaryValue; // contains value to write to DAC
res = read_adc(); //Read out the ADC (PIN A2)
voltage = (double) res * 1000 * VREF / (MAX_VALUE_ADC + 1); // Measured voltage in Volts.
y2 = b10* xA[0]+ b11 *xA[1]+ b12*xA[2]- a11*yA[1] - a12*yA[2]; // 1st 2nd order
y2 = y2/a10; // is this necessary? without fixed point its 1/1
yA[0] = y2;
if (y2 > 0x1FFFFFFF)
y2 = 0x1FFFFFFF; /* clip value */
if (y2 < -0x20000000)
y2 = -0x20000000; /* clip value */
y = b20* xB[0]+ b21 *xB[1]+ b22*xB[2]- a21*yB[1] - a22*yB[2]; //2nd 2nd order
y = y/a20; // same for this one
yB[0] = y;
if (y > 0x1FFFFFFF)
y = 0x1FFFFFFF; /* clip value */
if (y < -0x20000000)
y = -0x20000000; /* clip value */
xA[0] = voltage; // 1st 2nd order delays
xA[2] = xA[1];
xA[1] = xA[0];
yA[2] = yA[1];
yA[1] = yA[0];
xB[0] = voltage; // 2d 2nd order delays
xB[2] = xB[1];
xB[1] = xB[0];
yB[2] = yB[1];
yB[1] = yB[0];
voltage = (short)(y >>14); // divided by 16384 or 2^14 voltage = y>>14
BinaryValue = voltage*((MAX_VALUE_DAC)/(VCC))*0.001*CAL_DAC ; // Bitvalue
DACB.CH0DATA = BinaryValue ; //write &USBDataIn to DAC (PIN A10)
while (!DACB.STATUS & DAC_CH0DRE_bm);
I've changed the states to ints and now do the actual math with the adc res value instead of the voltage value which probably makes more sense. I've also removed the clipping if's. At this point i don't know how to improve any more.
#define MAX_VALUE_ADC 2047 // only 11 bits are used
#define VCC 3.30
#define VREF (((double) VCC) / 1.6) // maximal value is 2.06125 V
#define MAX_VALUE_DAC 4095
#define CAL_DAC 1.000 // Calibration value DAC
int32_t xA[3] = {0};
int32_t yA[3] = {0};
int32_t xB[3] = {0};
int32_t yB[3] = {0};
int32_t y2 = 0;
int32_t y = 0;
// Times 2^14 for fixed point
int32_t a10 = 16384
int32_t a11 = -28286
int32_t a12 = 12253
int32_t b10 = 88
int32_t b11 = 176
int32_t b12 = 88
int32_t a20 = 16384
int32_t a21 = -30541
int32_t a22 = 14537
int32_t b20 = 95
int32_t b21 = 190
int32_t b22 = 95
ISR(TCE0_OVF_vect) //TIMER Interupt
double voltage ; // contains read in voltage (mVolts)
int16_t res; // contains read in adc value
int16_t BinaryValue; // contains value to write to DAC
res = read_adc(); //Read out the ADC (PIN A2)
voltage = (double) res * 1000 * VREF / (MAX_VALUE_ADC + 1); // Measured voltage in Volts.
y2 = b10* xA[0]+ b11 *xA[1]+ b12*xA[2]- a11*yA[1] - a12*yA[2]; // 1st 2nd order
y2 = y2/a10; // is this necessary? without fixed point its 1/1
yA[0] = y2;
y = b20* xB[0]+ b21 *xB[1]+ b22*xB[2]- a21*yB[1] - a22*yB[2]; //2nd 2nd order
y = y/a20; // same for this one
yB[0] = y;
xA[0] = res; // 1st 2nd order delays
xA[2] = xA[1];
xA[1] = xA[0];
yA[2] = yA[1];
yA[1] = yA[0];
xB[0] = res; // 2d 2nd order delays
xB[2] = xB[1];
xB[1] = xB[0];
yB[2] = yB[1];
yB[1] = yB[0];
res = (short)(y >>14); // divided by 16384 or 2^14 voltage = y>>14
voltage = (double) res * 1000 * VREF / (MAX_VALUE_ADC + 1); // Measured voltage in Volts.
BinaryValue = voltage*((MAX_VALUE_DAC)/(VCC))*0.001*CAL_DAC ; // Bitvalue
DACB.CH0DATA = BinaryValue ; //write &USBDataIn to DAC (PIN A10)
while (!DACB.STATUS & DAC_CH0DRE_bm);
. Scale up (and round) your coefficients (by a factor or 16384) first. In the real-time operation, it should be onlyint32_t
into anint32_t
result. and that result should be rounded (by adding 8192 or add the bits dropped in the previous sample, if you want this quantization noise-shaped) and shifted right by 14 bits. is your compiler smart enough that the division operationy2 = y2/a10;
is actuallyy2 >>= 14;
? $\endgroup$