I'm designing a PI controller for a boost converter. I was able to find a set of gains that fit for all situations, but I get a slow response at full-load.
I was thinking instead of using gain scheduling, 1 set of gains for little to no load and 1 set of gains when load is significant (say more than 25% of the maximum load).
Now my question. What are the gotchas about gain scheduling? In books they don't say much about implementation details.
I was thinking that in order for gain scheduling to work, I need to apply the Ki gain of the integrator AFTER the integration and not before. That way I canchange seamlessly from one set of gain to the other.
I.e :
Use this => integrator = integrator + error; output = Kiintegrator + Kperror;
Instead of integrator = integrator + Kierror; output = integrator + Kperror;
Am I on the right path?