I want to estimate the impulse response of the channel at the receiver. Assuming
some arbitrary impulse response: h=[1 0.2 -0.4 0.0 0.6]
. Once the equalizer is constructed, I get the equalizer weights in w1
Question1) How to get back the channel estimates: Say,
is the input to the channel,
is the output of the channel which is the input to the equalizer,
is the equalizer,
is the output of the equalizer or is the equalized signal.
Ideally, y
and x
must be same. Then would the channel estimates be the least square solution i.e., inv(w^Tw)*w*d'
or inv(w)
Question2) Can I apply the LMS method for any source input --- Gaussian and non-Gaussian?
Below is the code for LMS equalizer
% number of samples
np = 0.01;
% noise power is 0.01
sp = 1;
% signal power is 1 which implies SNR = 20dB
h=[1 0.2 -0.4 0.0 0.6]; %unknown impulse response
x = sqrt(sp).*randn(1,N);
d = conv(x,h);
d = d(1:N) + sqrt(np).*randn(1,N);
w0(1) = 0;
% initial filter weights are 0
w1(1) = 0;
mu = 0.005;
% step size is fixed at 0.005
y(1) = w0(1)*x(1);
% iteration at “n=0”
e(1) = d(1) - y(1);
% separate because “x(0)” is not defined
w0(2) = w0(1) + 2*mu*e(1)*x(1);
w1(2) = w1(1);
for n=2:N
y(n) = w0(n)*x(n) + w1(n)*x(n-1);
e(n) = d(n) - y(n);
w0(n+1) = w0(n) + 2*mu*e(n)*x(n);
w1(n+1) = w1(n) + 2*mu*e(n)*x(n-1);
in your answer are the equalizer weights which are calculated assumingtx
is known. But in my setting the input to the channel is unknown. (3) $c = h^{-1}$ or is it $t*pinv(r)$ is the channel estimate ? I don't quite get the notations and the method to obtain the channel coefficients. $\endgroup$