This is a first-order discrete-time Butterworth filter, which can be obtained via the bilinear transform from the following analog prototype filter (with normalized cut-off frequency):
The bilinear transform replaces $s$ by $k\frac{z-1}{z+1}$, where $k$ is chosen such that the discrete-time filter has the specified cut-off frequency $f_c$, resulting in
$$k=\frac{1}{\tan(\pi f_c T)}\tag{2}$$
where $T=1/f_s$ is the sampling interval.
So if you replace $s$ in $(1)$ by
$$s=\frac{1}{\tan(\pi f_c T)}\frac{z-1}{z+1}\tag{3}$$
you obtain the corresponding discrete-time filter with the coefficients given in your question.
OK, here is how you obtain your final coefficients. Let $a=\tan(\pi f_c T)$. Plugging $(3)$ into $(1)$ then gives for the transfer function of the discrete-time filter
which is exactly in the given form with $c_1=1/(1+a)$ and $c_2=(1-a)/(1+a)$.