Is there a way to compute the main lobe width of windows of the generalized Hamming window family (i.e. Hann, Hamming, etc.)? By main lobe I mean the first zeros left and right of the center of the Fourier transform of the windows.
I could not find any derivation in any of the standard textbooks. In Oppenheim/Schafer 'Discrete-time signal processing' (2nd Ed., p. 471), only the 'approximate width' of the main lobe is provided without proof.
Just to give you some background: Windows of the generalized Hamming window family are given by the following equation: $w_H(n) = w_R(n) \cdot (\alpha + 2\beta \cdot cos(\Omega_M n))$ (see e.g. here), where $w_R(n)$ is the rectangular window of length $M$, and $\Omega_M = \frac{2\pi}{M}$.
The Fourier transform (FT) of these windows is given by: $W_H(\omega) = \alpha W_R(\omega) + \beta W_R(\omega - \Omega_M) + \beta W_R(\omega + \Omega_M)$. In this equation $W_R(\omega)$ denotes the Fourier transform of the rectangular window.
$W_R(\omega)$ is simply a sinc-function, so $W_H(\omega)$ consists of the sum of three sinc functions with centers at different positions of the frequency axis.